Registration and Venue


The conference registration fees are: 225 € before September 14th or 300 €.
Includes two meals, coffe and social dinner (24th - 20:30)

The registration form is available at

Student travel awards.

For this years workshop we offer 3 student travel awards. One award will be given for the best student paper. For the other two awards, students can apply by submitting an application letter and a letter of support from their supervisor. Please remark, that the travel awards are only applicable if the main author is a student who is also presenting the work.

In order to apply for one of these awards please mention in the field "Remark / Message to the Conference Chairs" in the submission system to which one you apply and submit the requested letters to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by email.


Workshop venue is at “Salón de Actos” ETSI Industriales, C/ Juan del Rosal, 28040 Madrid (more information on how to arrive).

Social dinner (Thursday - 20:30)

Restaurante Sazadón 
c/Gaztambide 44 - 28015 Madrid
phone: 91-544-75-29