¿Cuáles son las mejores prácticas para mantener la cuarentena tanto en hospitales como en casa?

(What are best practices in hospitals and at home in maintaining quarantine?)

Primeras 5 respuestas:

  1. Maintaining regular PA in a safe home environment is an essential strategy for young individuals with T1DM during the COVID-19 crisis.

  2. Maintaining regular physical activity in a safe home environment is an essential strategy for young individuals with T1DM during the COVID-19 crisis.

  3. There is a need to help older adults integrate simple and safe ways to stay physically active in a limited space.

  4. A national policy to support older adults for physical activity at home appears essential in this context.

  5. decision makers must continue to constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures they implement.

Maintaining regular PA in a safe home environment is an essential strategy for young individuals with T1DM during the COVID-19 crisis.

... Glycemic control of T1DM in adolescents using HCL system did not worsen during the restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemics and further improved in those who continued PA during the quarantine. Maintaining regular PA in a safe home environment is an essential strategy for young individuals with T1DM during the COVID-19 crisis. ...

Ref: Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus During COVID-19 Quarantine and the Role of In-Home Physical Activity [Diabetes Technol Ther, 2020]

Maintaining regular physical activity in a safe home environment is an essential strategy for young individuals with T1DM during the COVID-19 crisis.

... control of T1DM in adolescents using HCL system did not worsen during the restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemics and further improved in those who continued physical activity during the quarantine. Maintaining regular physical activity in a safe home environment is an essential strategy for young individuals with T1DM during the COVID-19 crisis. ...

Ref: Glycemic control in type 1 diabetes mellitus during COVID-19 quarantine and the role of in-home physical activity. [Diabetes technology & therapeutics, 2020-05-18]

There is a need to help older adults integrate simple and safe ways to stay physically active in a limited space.

... activities before the quarantine, older adults expressed the need to perform physical activity at home. There is a need to help older adults integrate simple and safe ways to stay physically active in a limited space. A national policy to support older adults for physical activity at home appears essential in ...

Ref: Impact of Home Quarantine on Physical Activity Among Older Adults Living at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Interview Study [JMIR Aging, 2020-05-07]

A national policy to support older adults for physical activity at home appears essential in this context.

... expressed the need to perform physical activity at home. There is a need to help older adults integrate simple and safe ways to stay physically active in a limited space. A national policy to support older adults for physical activity at home appears essential in this context. ...

Ref: Impact of Home Quarantine on Physical Activity Among Older Adults Living at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Interview Study [JMIR Aging, 2020]

decision makers must continue to constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures they implement.

... Looking to the coming months, in order to maintain the best possible balance of measures, decision makers must continue to constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures they implement. ...

Ref: [Quarantine Alone or in Combination with Other Public Health Measures to Control COVID-19: A Rapid Review (Review)]. [Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)), 2020-05-15]

Psychological interventions that reduce fear and improve sleep durations need to be made available to the home-quarantined university students,

... health problems. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggested that the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 could be serious. Psychological interventions that reduce fear and improve sleep durations need to be made available to the home-quarantined university students, and graduating students and those in the worst-hit areas should be given priority focus. ...

Ref: Prevalence and correlates of PTSD and depressive symptoms one month after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in a sample of home-quarantined Chinese university students [J Affect Disord, 2020]

The emerging of new techniques of translational medicine will help researchers to accelerate the treatment of this pandemic [15, 18] .

... be a lesson for humanity to focus more on the science of prediction [14] . The emerging of new techniques of translational medicine will help researchers to accelerate the treatment of this pandemic [15, 18] . We hereby would like to alert public health officials to minimize as possible the depreobesity ...

Ref: COVID-19: How the Quarantine could lead to the Depreobesity [Obes Med, 2020-05-15]

Testing in representative samples in different settings could help assess the true prevalence of infection, and would reduce uncertainty of modelling assumptions.

... best possible balance of measures, decision makers must constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures implemented. Testing in representative samples in different settings could help assess the true prevalence of infection, and would reduce uncertainty of modelling assumptions. This review was commissioned by WHO and supported by Danube-University-Krems. ...

Ref: Quarantine alone or in combination with other public health measures to control COVID-19: a rapid review. [The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2020-04-08]

Public health measures should be in place to immediately test and isolate infected persons.

... as a result of within-household transmission, seven secondary cases would be expected (Figure 1a ) in a population of 5,000 persons, or 70 secondary infections in a population of 50,000. Public health measures should be in place to immediately test and isolate infected persons. ...

Ref: Only strict quarantine measures can curb the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Italy, 2020 [Euro Surveill, 2020-04-02]

Not Available.

Not Available.

Ref: Deep thought of COVID-19 based on Diamond Princess's quarantine and home quarantine [Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 2020]

Compliance and mental health problems can be improved by providing adequate financial support and enhanced knowledge about pandemic planning.

... under quarantine. CONCLUSIONS: The low compliance with quarantine requirements as seen in this study raises a serious concern about the effectiveness of quarantine as a preventive measure of disease transmission. Compliance and mental health problems can be improved by providing adequate financial support and enhanced knowledge about pandemic planning. ...

Ref: Compliance and Psychological Impact of Quarantine in Children and Adolescents due to Covid-19 Pandemic [Indian j. pediatr, 2020]

The carer is reminded on the need to wear a surgical mask, frequent hand washing and other personal hygiene practices,

... For PD patients placed under home quarantine, PD continues uninterrupted in the patient"s home. The carer is reminded on the need to wear a surgical mask, frequent hand washing and other personal hygiene practices, and the patient is monitored for fever and respiratory symptoms by phone surveillance. Home visits by ...

Ref: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Dialysis: The Experience in Singapore [Kidney Med, 2020-05-13]

After quarantine we need to re-evaluate the cardiovascular risk in 416 patients, assessing biometrical and metabolic parameters.

... the pandemic. During quarantine we must promote healthy diet and physical 415 activity at home. After quarantine we need to re-evaluate the cardiovascular risk in 416 patients, assessing biometrical and metabolic parameters. Patients also need to be 417 evaluated by psychologist to early identify the persistence of ...

Ref: “Quarantine during COVID-19 outbreak: changes in Diet and physical activity increase the risk of cardiovascular disease” [Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 2020-05-30]

additional efforts to improve the compliance of home-quarantine of the individuals from countries with the virus risk are warranted along with other containment policies.

... when incoming international students showed strict compliance with quarantine, epidemics by the international student from China were less likely to occur in Seoul, South Korea. Conclusions: To mitigate possible epidemics, additional efforts to improve the compliance of home-quarantine of the individuals from countries with the virus risk are warranted along with other containment policies. ...

Ref: Estimation of the Excess COVID-19 Cases in Seoul, South Korea by the Students Arriving from China [Int. j. environ. res. public health (Online), 2020]

all persons placed under quarantine were to be provided with mask, thermometer (if necessary) and instructions about quarantine requirements.

... for identification and quarantine of contacts of potential Covid-19 cases. Complying with the Government order, all persons placed under quarantine were to be provided with mask, thermometer (if necessary) and instructions about quarantine requirements. These supplies were to be delivered to the individual"s residence or at quarantine centres. All ...

Ref: Compliance and Psychological Impact of Quarantine in Children and Adolescents due to Covid-19 Pandemic [Indian J Pediatr, 2020-05-29]

clinical significance of anxiety symptoms was observed in 9.58% respondents according to clinical diagnostic standards in China.

... duration of quarantine were collected for analysis. For a total number of 992 valid questionnaires, clinical significance of anxiety symptoms was observed in 9.58% respondents according to clinical diagnostic standards in China. Statistical results showed population with different age, education level, health status and personnel category responded ...

Ref: Countrywide quarantine only mildly increased anxiety level during COVID-19 outbreak in China [Indian J Pediatr, 2020-04-04]

Keeping a regular life schedule, such as learning and rest time during home quarantine, can prevent or decrease social anxiety among primary school students.

... related to increased anxiety. In addition, regular aerobic exercise can help reduce anxiety [28] . Keeping a regular life schedule, such as learning and rest time during home quarantine, can prevent or decrease social anxiety among primary school students. In addition, worry about being infected and negative emotions during the epidemic could have increased ...

Ref: A survey of the psychological status of primary school students who were quarantined at home during the coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic in Hangzhou China [Indian J Pediatr, 2020-05-30]

This evidence necessitates multipronged interventions including policy measures for strengthening mental health services globally and promoting psychosocial wellbeing among high-risk populations.

... self-control, and other adverse mental health outcomes. Conclusion : This umbrella review found severe mental health problems among individuals and populations who have undergone quarantine and isolation in different contexts. This evidence necessitates multipronged interventions including policy measures for strengthening mental health services globally and promoting psychosocial wellbeing among high-risk populations. ...

Ref: Mental health outcomes of quarantine and isolation for infection prevention: A systematic umbrella review of the global evidence. [Epidemiology and health, 2020-06-02]

Prolonged home stays may lead to fear, panic, anxiety, and depression states, which in turn, can drive to a reduction of active lifestyles.

... This coronavirus pandemic has placed unprecedented restrictions on people"s physical activity and routines. Prolonged home stays may lead to fear, panic, anxiety, and depression states, which in turn, can drive to a reduction of active lifestyles. Hence, determining the psychological response in the general population, and the influence level of home-based physical activity ...

Ref: [Influence of physical activity during outbreak on psychological states in adults in the Covid-19 pandemic: a study protocol.] [Revista espanola de salud publica, 2020-06-12]

We discuss the risks associated with quarantine measures during the pandemic and suggest the measures to prevent and improve the reporting of abuse cases.

... abuse? Numerous articles have reported a decrease in reports of domestic violence since quarantine began but how reliable is these data? Is it a potential wake-up call for public institutions? We discuss the risks associated with quarantine measures during the pandemic and suggest the measures to prevent and improve the reporting of abuse cases. ...

Ref: The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on domestic violence: The dark side of home isolation during quarantine. [The Medico-legal journal, 2020-06-05]

We will study how frustration related to quarantine relates to several psychological problems including depression.

... of quarantine and associated with it requirement of locking down at home in some countries. We will study how frustration related to quarantine relates to several psychological problems including depression. This environment pushes people to consume high sugar foods that increase obesity. In conclusion, countries ...

Ref: COVID-19: How the Quarantine could lead to the Depreobesity [Obes Med, 2020]

PsO patients on biologics should be carefully monitored with telemedicine during COVID-19 outbreak and early treated at home to limit hospital overwhelm.

... home (OR 9.05 [95% CI 5.61-14.61], P < .0001) and hospitalized (OR 3.59 [95% CI 1.49-8.63], P = .0044), however, not increased risk of ICU admission or death were found. PsO patients on biologics should be carefully monitored with telemedicine during COVID-19 outbreak and early treated at home to limit hospital overwhelm. ...

Ref: Biologics increase the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization, but not ICU admission and death: Real-life data from a large cohort during red-zone declaration [Dermatol Ther, 2020]

This requires intense laboratory surveillance to pick up COVID-19 cases in the community, including cases with mild illness.

... close contacts are being carefully traced and quarantined at home or in designated quarantine facilities. This requires intense laboratory surveillance to pick up COVID-19 cases in the community, including cases with mild illness. To date (March 13, 2020), these containment measures appear to have been able to prevent ...

Ref: Public Health Measures to Slow Community Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 [J Infect Dis, 2020-03-20]

Thirty-three home-quarantined COVID-19 patients have undergone a self-administered chemosensitive test the day before the control swab.

... aim of validating a new olfactory and gustatory objective evaluation test in these patients. METHODS: Thirty-three home-quarantined COVID-19 patients have undergone a self-administered chemosensitive test the day before the control swab. On this occasion, the patients underwent operator-administered already validated tests. The results were finally compared. ...

Ref: Validation of a self-administered olfactory and gustatory test for the remotely evaluation of COVID-19 patients in home quarantine [Head neck, 2020]

To mitigate possible epidemics, additional efforts to improve the compliance of home-quarantine are warranted along with other containment policies.

... pre-infectious individuals, in Seoul, South Korea, respectively. Our findings indicated when incoming international students showed strict compliance with quarantine, epidemics were less likely to occur in Seoul, South Korea. Conclusion: To mitigate possible epidemics, additional efforts to improve the compliance of home-quarantine are warranted along with other containment policies. ...

Ref: Estimate number of individuals infected with the 2019-novel coronavirus in South Korea due to the influx of international students from countries with virus risk: a simulation study [Head neck, 2020-02-19]

Little information is available on effects of homebased physical activity on chronic disease [32] [33] [34] .

... During quarantine we must promote physical activity at home. Little information is available on effects of homebased physical activity on chronic disease [32] [33] [34] . Despite physical activity being defined mandatory for cardiovascular prevention, guidelines do not contain home-based physical activity indications [35] . The "2019 ...

Ref: COVID-19 pandemic: the effects of quarantine on cardiovascular risk [Eur J Clin Nutr, 2020-05-05]

Home quarantine has been effective in preventing the early transmission of COVID-19,

... Jan 27, 2020. The incidence of COVID-19 in the sample was 1.5‰ (95% CI: 0.31‰-4.37‰). CONCLUSION: Home quarantine has been effective in preventing the early transmission of COVID-19, but that more needs to be done to improve early detection of COVID-19 infection. ...

Ref: Incidence of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection among people under home quarantine in Shenzhen, China [Travel Med Infect Dis, 2020]

This directive caused grade schools, universities, parks, and any non-essential business to close.

... moderating the effects the virus may have had on the healthcare system, morbidity, and mortality. This directive caused grade schools, universities, parks, and any non-essential business to close. Some cities such as San Francisco have gone so far to make it a misdemeanor ...

Ref: Self-quarantine and Weight Gain Related Risk Factors During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Obes Res Clin Pract, 2020-05-21]

Health care workers need to use adaptive coping strategies for maintaining optimum mental health.

... of heath care workers role in saving lives, has a salutary effect on their morale. Health care workers need to use adaptive coping strategies for maintaining optimum mental health. Technology today permits people in quarantine to stay connected and maintain their social networks. 16 ...

Ref: Epidemics, quarantine and mental health [Med J Armed Forces India, 2020-04-22]

The intervention reduces more than 70% of new infections in both households and the public space,

... metropolitan-wide quarantine on the trend and transmission route of the COVID-19 epidemic in Hubei, China. The intervention reduces more than 70% of new infections in both households and the public space, as well as the deaths caused by COVID-19 pneumonia. Household transmission is the dominant route ...

Ref: Assessing the Effects of Metropolitan-Wide Quarantine on the Spread of COVID-19 in Public Space and Households [Int J Infect Dis, 2020-05-08]

Following quarantine a global action supporting healthy diet and physical activity is mandatory to encourage people to return to good lifestyle.

... to further increase home-based physical activity and to follow a healthy diet should be implemented. Quarantine carries some long-term effects on cardiovascular disease, mainly related to unhealthy lifestyle and anxiety. Following quarantine a global action supporting healthy diet and physical activity is mandatory to encourage people to return to good lifestyle. ...

Ref: COVID-19 pandemic: the effects of quarantine on cardiovascular risk [Eur J Clin Nutr, 2020]

When patients report weight gain, we can communicate acceptance, without judgment, and validate the unprecedented stressors that we are all facing,

... by setting realistic behavioral goals and collaborating on concrete, specific plans to achieve these goals. When patients report weight gain, we can communicate acceptance, without judgment, and validate the unprecedented stressors that we are all facing, while simultaneously helping patients commit to doing their best to maintain their health and well-being. ...

Ref: Weight Stigma and the “Quarantine‐15” [Obesity (Silver Spring), 2020-04-23]

home risks to become a very dangerous place for victims of domestic violence.

... by women but can also be experienced by men. During quarantine due to the COVID-19, home risks to become a very dangerous place for victims of domestic violence. METHOD: Very recent studies focusing on abusive situations during COVID emergence were identified in PubMed/Medline, ...

Ref: Danger in danger: Interpersonal violence during COVID-19 quarantine [Psychiatry Res, 2020]

As well as social restrictions, another important way to slow down the spread of the virus is practicing a good hygiene.

... severely hit European country, where the lockdown is lasting since the beginning of March 2020. As well as social restrictions, another important way to slow down the spread of the virus is practicing a good hygiene. For example, celebrities, public figures, governments, and other authorities dealing with health-related affairs are prompting ...

Ref: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with OCD: effects of contamination symptoms and remission state before the quarantine in a preliminary naturalistic study [Psychiatry Res, 2020-06-09]

Publisher's note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Publisher"s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Ref: Love at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic: preliminary results of an online survey conducted during the quarantine in Italy [Int J Impot Res, 2020-05-14]

Local public health units were responsible for identification and quarantine of contacts of potential Covid-19 cases.

... Health and Family Welfare released its guidelines regarding quarantine at home and at facilities /centres. Local public health units were responsible for identification and quarantine of contacts of potential Covid-19 cases. Complying with the Government order, all persons placed under quarantine were to be provided with ...

Ref: Compliance and Psychological Impact of Quarantine in Children and Adolescents due to Covid-19 Pandemic [Indian J Pediatr, 2020-05-29]

This study has the aim of validating a new olfactory and gustatory objective evaluation test in these patients.

... stages of COVID-19 and in paucisymptomatic cases. These patients are typically placed in home quarantine. This study has the aim of validating a new olfactory and gustatory objective evaluation test in these patients. METHODS: Thirty-three home-quarantined COVID-19 patients have undergone a self-administered chemosensitive test the day before the ...

Ref: Validation of a self-administered olfactory and gustatory test for the remotely evaluation of COVID-19 patients in home quarantine [Head neck, 2020]

WHO suggest following on-line exercise classes, and using video-or app-guided aerobics training at home.

... Staying active and maintaining a home-physical exercise routine will be important for mental and physical health. WHO suggest following on-line exercise classes, and using video-or app-guided aerobics training at home. (WHO 2020b) daily income. ...

Ref: Obesity risk during collective quarantine for the COVID-19 epidemic [Obes Med, 2020-06-09]

PsO patients on biologics should be carefully monitored with telemedicine during COVID‐19 outbreak and early treated at home to limit hospital overwhelm.

... home (OR 9.05 [95% CI 5.61‐14.61], P < .0001) and hospitalized (OR 3.59 [95% CI 1.49‐8.63], P = .0044), however, not increased risk of ICU admission or death were found. PsO patients on biologics should be carefully monitored with telemedicine during COVID‐19 outbreak and early treated at home to limit hospital overwhelm. ...

Ref: Biologics increase the risk of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection and hospitalization, but not ICU admission and death: Real‐life data from a large cohort during red‐zone declaration [Dermatol Ther, 2020-05-19]

Prevention and intervention approaches to attenuate the psychosocial impact should be an integral component of crisis response during pandemic conditions.

... comprised duration of quarantine measures and income losses. Health care workers constituted a particularly vulnerable group. CONCLUSION: Quarantine measures during serious coronavirus outbreaks have extensive negative consequences for mental health. Prevention and intervention approaches to attenuate the psychosocial impact should be an integral component of crisis response during pandemic conditions. ...

Ref: Psychosoziale Folgen von Quarantänemaßnahmen bei schwerwiegenden Coronavirus-Ausbrüchen: ein Rapid Review./ [Psychosocial Impact of Quarantine Measures During Serious Coronavirus Outbreaks: A Rapid Review] [Psychiatr Prax, 2020]

maintaining exercise could reduce the risk of contracting the infection itself and mitigate the effects of quarantine.

The COVID-19 pandemic has restricted the physical activity of the population, but maintaining exercise could reduce the risk of contracting the infection itself and mitigate the effects of quarantine.

Ref: Exercise in the time of COVID-19. [Australian journal of general practice, 2020-04-22]

Ninety-one percent of our sample stated they spend more time at home now than before COVID-19.

... participants to complete. Surveys asked questions relating to risk factors linked to weight gain. RESULTS: Ninety-one percent of our sample stated they spend more time at home now than before COVID-19. Twenty-two percent of the sample stated they gained 5-10 pounds. Within those who gained 5-10 ...

Ref: Self-quarantine and weight gain related risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic [Australian journal of general practice, 2020]

We recommend treating the crew the same way as the passengers to control the infection.

... we need to prepare for patients" transfer and the admitting hospitals when disembarking the passengers. We recommend treating the crew the same way as the passengers to control the infection. We must also draw a plan for the future, to protect travelers and passengers from ...

Ref: Preparation for Quarantine on the Cruise Ship Diamond Princess in Japan due to COVID-19 [JMIR Public Health Surveill, 2020]

During the three weeks of quarantined period, the symptoms and signs were documented;

... in hospital for 7 days, then continuously quarantined at home for 4 weeks after discharged. During the three weeks of quarantined period, the symptoms and signs were documented; and sputum or nasal swab and feces samples were collected to test SARS-COV-2 nucleic acid ...

Ref: [Follow-up testing of viral nucleic acid in discharged patients with moderate type of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19)] [Zhejiang da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Zhejiang University. Medical sciences, 2020]

the mental health of residents in mandatory quarantine zones urgently requires intervention

... was a significant difference in PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 scores between the quarantine group and the non-quarantine group As a result, the mental health of residents in mandatory quarantine zones urgently requires intervention (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved) ...

Ref: China experience from COVID-19: Mental health in mandatory quarantine zones urgently requires intervention [Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy, 2020]

Quarantine carries some long-term effects on cardiovascular disease, mainly related to unhealthy lifestyle and anxiety.

... with a high number of deaths and infected people. To contain the diffusion of COVID-19 virus, governments have enforced restrictions on outdoor activities or even collective quarantine on the population. Quarantine carries some long-term effects on cardiovascular disease, mainly related to unhealthy lifestyle and anxiety. ...

Ref: Lifestyle at Time of COVID-19: How Could Quarantine Affect Cardiovascular Risk. [American journal of lifestyle medicine, 2020]

During quarantine, strategies to further increase home-based physical activity and to follow a healthy diet should be implemented.

... physical activity (or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous activity) to reduce ASCVD risk." During quarantine, strategies to further increase home-based physical activity and to follow a healthy diet should be implemented. Quarantine carries some long-term effects on cardiovascular disease, mainly related to unhealthy lifestyle and anxiety. ...

Ref: COVID-19 pandemic: the effects of quarantine on cardiovascular risk [Eur J Clin Nutr, 2020]

These conclusions provide important scientific information for the government policymaker in the disease control strategies.

... extinction. CONCLUSIONS: Our model can simulate and predict the COVID-19 variations and the quarantine strategies are important for the disease controlling, especially at the early period of the disease outbreak. These conclusions provide important scientific information for the government policymaker in the disease control strategies. ...

Ref: Dynamic variations of the COVID-19 disease at different quarantine strategies in Wuhan and mainland China [J Infect Public Health, 2020]

The combination of prevention and containment provides the best opportunity to stall the spread of COVID-19.

... treating and defeating the COVID-19 epidemic. Anyone infected or suspected of being infected should self-quarantine at home or admit themselves to a specified hospital with infrastructure to handle the situation. The combination of prevention and containment provides the best opportunity to stall the spread of COVID-19. ...

Ref: Art of prevention: Life in the time of coronavirus [Int J Womens Dermatol, 2020-04-02]

This community-based approach involved all stakeholders including local public health departments, public safety authorities, neighborhood councils, and community health centers.

... task force performs home visits to infected individuals. Persons under investigation (PUIs) can stay in designated quarantine facilities for 14 days or in special circumstances can be quarantined at home. This community-based approach involved all stakeholders including local public health departments, public safety authorities, neighborhood councils, and community health centers. ...

Ref: Managing Close Contacts of COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in Metropolitan Areas in China. [Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP, 2020-04-17]

health care policymakers are urged to take proper action nationwide to alleviate longlisting implications and support the health care providers in fulfilling their mission.

... infected", and "Inadequate or inaccurate information". CONCLUSION: COVID-19 quarantine has been posing intense psychological challenges among Lebanese health care workers which are worsened at times by the economic instability; thus, health care policymakers are urged to take proper action nationwide to alleviate longlisting implications and support the health care providers in fulfilling their mission. ...

Ref: The psychosocial effects of being quarantined following exposure to COVID-19: A qualitative study of Lebanese health care workers [Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2020]

training and equipment to avoid cross-contamination remain of key importance.

... if infected was 10%. Infected staff were quarantined for 3 wk before returning to work. training and equipment to avoid cross-contamination remain of key importance. 7 Furthermore, surveillance of employee health status must be enhanced, 7 and infected individuals must ...

Ref: Staffing With Disease-Based Epidemiologic Indices May Reduce Shortage of Intensive Care Unit Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Anesth Analg, 2020-04-20]

All medical personnel working at both sections and the triage reception were equipped with appropriate protections.

... Identified COVID-19 patients were immediately transferred to designated hospitals for quarantine and treatment. All medical personnel working at both sections and the triage reception were equipped with appropriate protections. 14 Suspected patients submitted for nucleic acid analysis at the Section B were . CC-BY-NC 4.0 International ...

Ref: Triaging patients in the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus [Anesth Analg, 2020-03-16]

In order to maintain the best possible balance of measures, decision makers must constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures implemented.

... of quarantine and combining quarantine with other public health measures is important to ensure effectiveness. In order to maintain the best possible balance of measures, decision makers must constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures implemented. Testing in representative samples in different settings could help assess the true prevalence of infection, ...

Ref: Quarantine alone or in combination with other public health measures to control COVID-19: a rapid review [Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2020]

Based on our outcomes, we can determine that the current quarantine has negatively affected the practice of PA,

... during quarantine Finally, the overweight group showed the lowest level of PA during quarantine Conclusion: Based on our outcomes, we can determine that the current quarantine has negatively affected the practice of PA, with greater impacts among males and overweight subjects In regards to different age groups, the ...

Ref: Physical Activity Levels and Related Energy Expenditure during COVID-19 Quarantine among the Sicilian Active Population: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey Study [Sustainability 2020, Vol. 12, Page 4356, 2020]

During the quarantined period, the symptoms and signs were documented,

... in hospital for 7 days, then continuously quarantined at home for 4 weeks after discharged. During the quarantined period, the symptoms and signs were documented, and sputum or nasal swab and feces samples were collected to test SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid ...

Ref: [Follow-up testing of viral nucleic acid in discharged patients with moderate type of COVID-19]. [Zhejiang da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Zhejiang University. Medical sciences, 2020-05-25]

interventions such as quarantine and isolation can effectively reduce the potential peak number of COVID-19 infections and delay the time of peak infection.

... suppose as unchanged under the current intervention. CONCLUSION The present study shows that, by reducing the contact rate of latent individuals, interventions such as quarantine and isolation can effectively reduce the potential peak number of COVID-19 infections and delay the time of peak infection. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. ...

Ref: The effectiveness of the quarantine of Wuhan city against the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): well-mixed SEIR model analysis. [Journal of medical virology, 2020-04-03]

permitted travel limited to shopping for food, going to work (only for essential services to remain operating), or seeking medical care.

... and is scheduled to end on April 3 (although the Italian Government is considering an extension to July 31). It mandates isolation at home (or at community residential facilities) with permitted travel limited to shopping for food, going to work (only for essential services to remain operating), or seeking medical care. ...

Ref: The COVID-19 pandemic brings a second wave of social isolation and disrupted services [Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2020-05-15]

During quarantine we must promote healthy diet and physical 415 activity at home.

... be prepared to confront the likely increase in cardiovascular risk burden 414 following the pandemic. During quarantine we must promote healthy diet and physical 415 activity at home. After quarantine we need to re-evaluate the cardiovascular risk in 416 patients, assessing biometrical and ...

Ref: “Quarantine during COVID-19 outbreak: changes in Diet and physical activity increase the risk of cardiovascular disease” [Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 2020-05-30]

CONCLUSION: Home quarantine has been effective in preventing the early transmission of COVID-19,

... to Jan 27, 2020. The incidence of COVID-19 in the sample was 1.5‰ (95% CI: 0.31‰-4.37‰). CONCLUSION: Home quarantine has been effective in preventing the early transmission of COVID-19, but that more needs to be done to improve early detection of COVID-19 infection. ...

Ref: Incidence of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection among people under home quarantine in Shenzhen, China [Travel Med Infect Dis, 2020]

After quarantine we need to reevaluate the cardiovascular risk in patients together with metabolic parameters including glycemic status.

... After quarantine we need to reevaluate the cardiovascular risk in patients together with metabolic parameters including glycemic status. Patients also need to be evaluated by psychologist to early identify the persistence of anxiety and stress ( Table 2) . A global action supporting healthy diet and physical activity ...

Ref: COVID-19 pandemic: the effects of quarantine on cardiovascular risk [Eur J Clin Nutr, 2020-05-05]

Based on this we devise optimal quarantine and isolation strategies, noting that high levels need to be maintained during the early stages of the outbreak.

... level of quarantine needs to be maintained as well as isolation to control the disease. Based on this we devise optimal quarantine and isolation strategies, noting that high levels need to be maintained during the early stages of the outbreak. Using data from the Wuhan outbreak, which has nearly run its course we estimate that ...

Ref: The role of asymptomatic class, quarantine and isolation in the transmission of COVID-19. [Journal of biological dynamics, 2020-12-01]

Using the Integrated Hospital Quarantine System (IHQS) to facilitate the quarantine process at the entrances.

... F I G U R E 1 A, Using the Integrated Hospital Quarantine System (IHQS) to facilitate the quarantine process at the entrances. B, The purposes and dispositions of quarantine (data from March 13 to March 17, 2020, excluding weekends) ...

Ref: Integrated Hospital Quarantine System against COVID‐19 [Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 2020-04-13]

some even kept on obsessive hand hygiene (Reynolds et al., 2008) .

... coughing or sneezing, avoided crowds and stayed home even weeks after the quarantine was over, some even kept on obsessive hand hygiene (Reynolds et al., 2008) . The finding of this study examined certain characteristics such as age, gender, and quarantine practices ...

Ref: COVID-19 quarantine: Post-traumatic stress symptomatology among Lebanese citizens [Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2020-06-03]

decision makers must constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures implemented.

... is important to ensure effectiveness. In order to maintain the best possible balance of measures, decision makers must constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures implemented. Testing in representative samples in different settings could help assess the true prevalence of infection, ...

Ref: Quarantine alone or in combination with other public health measures to control COVID-19: a rapid review [Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2020]

EPS can easily find close contacts of acquaintances, but be inefficient in finding transmission among strangers in public space.

... infectors and notified the close contacts to be in self-quarantine at home or in shelters. EPS can easily find close contacts of acquaintances, but be inefficient in finding transmission among strangers in public space. For example, a salesman index transmitted to two unacquainted salesmen in other sales" area sequentially ...

Ref: The impact of containment measures and air temperature on mitigating the transmission of COVID-19: a novel data-based comprehensive modeling analysis [Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2020-05-16]

sputum or nasal swab and feces samples were collected to test SARS-COV-2 nucleic acid by RT-PCR method.

... discharged. During the three weeks of quarantined period, the symptoms and signs were documented; and sputum or nasal swab and feces samples were collected to test SARS-COV-2 nucleic acid by RT-PCR method. RESULTS: There were no symptoms and signs during the quarantine period in all 7 patients. ...

Ref: [Follow-up testing of viral nucleic acid in discharged patients with moderate type of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19)] [Zhejiang da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Zhejiang University. Medical sciences, 2020]

Will we be able to strike a balance between civil liberty and public health, and defy COVID-19 using these ancient public health tools,

... has become evident that this virus has the ability to derail the world economy significantly. Will we be able to strike a balance between civil liberty and public health, and defy COVID-19 using these ancient public health tools, or will we need more sophisticated tools to flatten the curve? Only time will tell. ...

Ref: The effect of quarantine and isolation for COVID‐19 in general population and dermatologic treatments [Dermatol Ther, 2020-04-25]

an attempt to flatten the epidemic curve and avoid flooding the health care system.

... Lebanon has taken national measures, among which was home quarantine of the general public in an attempt to flatten the epidemic curve and avoid flooding the health care system. AIM: This study aimed at evaluating the prevalence of post-traumatic stress symptomatology (PTSS) during the ...

Ref: COVID-19 quarantine: Post-traumatic stress symptomatology among Lebanese citizens [Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2020]

According to previous literature, the effectiveness of quarantine varies widely depending on individuals' daily motility patterns [5] ;

... another individual who was suspected of avoiding the quarantine program during his period of home-quarantine [4] . According to previous literature, the effectiveness of quarantine varies widely depending on individuals" daily motility patterns [5] ; Despite this compliance with home-quarantine in the present instance is still in question. ...

Ref: Estimation of the Excess COVID-19 Cases in Seoul, South Korea by the Students Arriving from China [Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020-04-29]

they must maintain a distance of at least one metre from their family, record body temperature and health status every day,

... quarantine must stay at home (or at another designated location) and not go out, and they must maintain a distance of at least one metre from their family, record body temperature and health status every day, and cooperate with tracking measures implemented by their local borough chief. Individuals who develop symptoms ...

Ref: Analysis of Imported Cases of COVID-19 in Taiwan: A Nationwide Study [Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020-05-09]

We collected nasopharyngeal swab specimens and employed the 2019-nCoV Real-Time PCR kit to detect virus.

... might have been infected, we developed online questionnaire and asked respondents to fill the questionnaire by themselves. We collected nasopharyngeal swab specimens and employed the 2019-nCoV Real-Time PCR kit to detect virus. All the laboratory tests were conducted by the Beijing Genomics institution (BGI), Shenzhen. ...

Ref: Incidence of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection among people under home quarantine in Shenzhen, China [Travel Med Infect Dis, 2020-04-02]

The patient had been in her usual health without fever after her husband developed fever approximately 10 days before her current admission.

... The patient had been in her usual health without fever after her husband developed fever approximately 10 days before her current admission. Her medical history included hypertension. Her regular medications were amlodipine, candesartan, hydrochlorothiazide, and atenolol. On initial examination, her blood pressure, pulse rate, and body temperature were 108/57 mmHg, 57 b.p.m., ...

Ref: cord_uid 3e0bhyfk Persistence of positive severe acute respirato... 3e0bhyfk Persistence of Positive SARS‐CoV‐2 RT‐PCR Test... Name: title, dtype: object [Travel Med Infect Dis, cord_uid 3e0bhyfk 2020 3e0bhyfk 2020-05-18 Name: publish_time, dtype: object]

Over the 7-day period of quarantine, she received 16 doses of as needed loxapine,

Over the 7-day period of quarantine, she received 16 doses of as needed loxapine, and was restrained for 14 hours (13% of waking hours). Her final COVID-19 swab was negative.

Ref: Achieving Safe, Effective and Compassionate Quarantine or Isolation of Older Adults with Dementia in Nursing Homes. [Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 2020-05-04]

As clinicians, we can talk with patients about how stigmatizing messages affect them and help to support them in their health goals.

... and eating disorder groups are already contributing to the social media conversation in this way). As clinicians, we can talk with patients about how stigmatizing messages affect them and help to support them in their health goals. We must bear in mind that many do not have the privilege of focusing on ...

Ref: Weight Stigma and the “Quarantine‐15” [Obesity (Silver Spring), 2020-04-23]

Based on our outcomes, we can determine that the current quarantine has negatively affected the practice of PA, with greater impacts among males and overweight subjects

... during quarantine Finally, the overweight group showed the lowest level of PA during quarantine Conclusion: Based on our outcomes, we can determine that the current quarantine has negatively affected the practice of PA, with greater impacts among males and overweight subjects In regards to different age groups, the young, young adults and adults were more affected ...

Ref: Physical Activity Levels and Related Energy Expenditure during COVID-19 Quarantine among the Sicilian Active Population: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey Study [Sustainability 2020, Vol. 12, Page 4356, 2020]

Testing in representative samples in different settings could help assess the true prevalence of infection,

... decision makers must constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures implemented. Testing in representative samples in different settings could help assess the true prevalence of infection, and would reduce uncertainty of modelling assumptions. This review was commissioned by WHO and supported ...

Ref: Quarantine alone or in combination with other public health measures to control COVID-19: a rapid review. [The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2020-04-08]

Employers are required to take routine prevention measures, such as ventilation, fever screening, hand hygiene, and environment disinfection.

... case. Community service agencies and volunteers ensure supplies for normal living for people under lockdown. Employers are required to take routine prevention measures, such as ventilation, fever screening, hand hygiene, and environment disinfection. If cases are found, precise containment measures are to be taken at the smallest work-unit ...

Ref: Active case finding with case management: the key to tackling the COVID-19 pandemic [Lancet, 2020-06-04]

in order to maintain the best possible balance of measures, decision makers must continue to constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures they implement.

... Looking to the coming months, in order to maintain the best possible balance of measures, decision makers must continue to constantly monitor the outbreak situation and the impact of the measures they implement. ...

Ref: Quarantäne alleine oder in Kombination mit weiteren Public-Health-Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der COVID-19 Pandemie: Ein Cochrane Rapid Review./ [Quarantine Alone or in Combination with Other Public Health Measures to Control COVID-19: A Rapid Review (Review)] [Gesundheitswesen, 2020]

The level of transmission reduction required for physical distancing interventions to mitigate the epidemic is a crucial question.

... Several Italian towns are under lockdown to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. The level of transmission reduction required for physical distancing interventions to mitigate the epidemic is a crucial question. We show that very high adherence to community quarantine (total stay-home policy) and a small household size is necessary ...

Ref: Only strict quarantine measures can curb the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Italy, 2020 [Euro surveill, 2020]

Although we strongly recommend hospital birth for PLHIV,

... pregnancies-such as persons living with HIV (PLHIV)-are increasingly investigating the option of a home birth. Although we strongly recommend hospital birth for PLHIV, we discuss our experience and recommendations for counseling and preparation of pregnant PLHIV who may ...

Ref: Home Birth in the Era of COVID-19: Counseling and Preparation for Pregnant Persons Living with HIV [Am. j. perinatol, 2020]

sputum or nasal swab and feces samples were collected to test SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid by RT-PCR method.

... 4 weeks after discharged. During the quarantined period, the symptoms and signs were documented, and sputum or nasal swab and feces samples were collected to test SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid by RT-PCR method. RESULTS There was no symptoms and signs during the quarantine period in all 7 patients. ...

Ref: [Follow-up testing of viral nucleic acid in discharged patients with moderate type of COVID-19]. [Zhejiang da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Zhejiang University. Medical sciences, 2020-05-25]

avoid flooding the health care system.

... home quarantine of the general public in an attempt to flatten the epidemic curve and avoid flooding the health care system. AIM: This study aimed at evaluating the prevalence of post-traumatic stress symptomatology (PTSS) during the ...

Ref: COVID-19 quarantine: Post-traumatic stress symptomatology among Lebanese citizens [Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2020]

kept on obsessive hand hygiene (Reynolds et al., 2008) .

... sneezing, avoided crowds and stayed home even weeks after the quarantine was over, some even kept on obsessive hand hygiene (Reynolds et al., 2008) . The finding of this study examined certain characteristics such as age, gender, and quarantine practices ...

Ref: COVID-19 quarantine: Post-traumatic stress symptomatology among Lebanese citizens [Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2020-06-03]

We used a stratified multistage random sampling method to recruit participants and collected demographic information and laboratory results of people under home quarantine.

... estimate the incidence of 2019-nCoV infection among people under home quarantine in Shenzhen, China. METHODS: We used a stratified multistage random sampling method to recruit participants and collected demographic information and laboratory results of people under home quarantine. We conducted descriptive analysis to estimate the basic characteristics and to calculate the incidence in ...

Ref: Incidence of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection among people under home quarantine in Shenzhen, China [Travel Med Infect Dis, 2020]

adversely affected the thoughts and emotions of new mothers, worsening depressive symptoms.

... ± 0.36; P<0.001) and depression (0.58 ± 0.54 vs 0.35 ± 0.45; P=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Concerns about risk of exposure to COVID-19, combined with quarantine measures adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic, adversely affected the thoughts and emotions of new mothers, worsening depressive symptoms. ...

Ref: Psychological impact of COVID-19 quarantine measures in northeastern Italy on mothers in the immediate postpartum period [Int. j. gynaecol. obstet, 2020]

Countries looking at similar measures should consider the operational challenges and find appropriate solutions to address them.

... SHN as a form of quarantine has reduced the spread from imported COVID-19 cases in Singapore to the community. Countries looking at similar measures should consider the operational challenges and find appropriate solutions to address them. ...

Ref: Reducing onward spread of COVID-19 from imported cases: quarantine and ‘stay at home’ measures for travellers and returning residents to Singapore [J Travel Med, 2020-04-16]

Lessons learned from SARS resulted in faster determination of the nucleic acid sequence and a more robust quarantine strategy.

... flu, earlier recognition and earlier implementation of quarantine measures may have been even more effective. Lessons learned from SARS resulted in faster determination of the nucleic acid sequence and a more robust quarantine strategy. However, it is clear that finding an effective antiviral and developing a vaccine are still ...

Ref: The deadly coronaviruses: The 2003 SARS pandemic and the 2020 novel coronavirus epidemic in China [J Autoimmun, 2020]

During quarantine due to the COVID-19, home risks to become a very dangerous place for victims of domestic violence.

... and stalking. It is typically experienced by women but can also be experienced by men. During quarantine due to the COVID-19, home risks to become a very dangerous place for victims of domestic violence. METHOD: Very recent studies focusing on abusive situations during COVID emergence were identified in PubMed/Medline, ...

Ref: Danger in danger: Interpersonal violence during COVID-19 quarantine [Psychiatry Res, 2020]

A phone line or online service specifically set up for those in quarantine and staffed by healthcare workers

... lines of communication with people quarantined about what to do if they experience any symptoms. A phone line or online service specifically set up for those in quarantine and staffed by healthcare workers who can provide instructions about what to do in the event of developing illness symptoms, ...

Ref: The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence [Lancet, 2020-02-26]

Technology today permits people in quarantine to stay connected and maintain their social networks.

... of heath care workers role in saving lives, has a salutary effect on their morale. Health care workers need to use adaptive coping strategies for maintaining optimum mental health. Technology today permits people in quarantine to stay connected and maintain their social networks. 16 ...

Ref: Epidemics, quarantine and mental health [Med J Armed Forces India, 2020-04-22]

home isolation and quarantine to hospitals are the two pivot force-control policies under the present situation when no treatment is available for this pandemic.

... population. Local and global asymptotic stability is proved for all the three models. Extensive numerical simulations are performed to establish the analytical results with suitable examples. Our research reveals that home isolation and quarantine to hospitals are the two pivot force-control policies under the present situation when no treatment is available for this pandemic. ...

Ref: COVID-19 created chaos across the globe: Three novel quarantine epidemic models [Chaos Solitons Fractals, 2020]

in an attempt to flatten the epidemic curve and avoid flooding the health care system.

... vaccination, Lebanon has taken national measures, among which was home quarantine of the general public in an attempt to flatten the epidemic curve and avoid flooding the health care system. AIM: This study aimed at evaluating the prevalence of post-traumatic stress symptomatology (PTSS) during the ...

Ref: COVID-19 quarantine: Post-traumatic stress symptomatology among Lebanese citizens [Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2020]

Measures to strengthen the national healthcare infrastructure across the country are imperative in order to more effectively cope with future epidemics.

... of the public and private sectors in conjunction with external aids from developed countries and the World Health Organization may help manage the care of our sick older patients adequately. Measures to strengthen the national healthcare infrastructure across the country are imperative in order to more effectively cope with future epidemics. ...

Ref: COVID-19 and mental health of older adults in the Philippines: a perspective from a developing country [International psychogeriatrics, 2020-04-30]

The main points in preventing the spread in society are hand hygiene, social distancing and quarantine.

... just health but also economics, politics, and social order, is the prevention of its spread. The main points in preventing the spread in society are hand hygiene, social distancing and quarantine. With increased testing capacity, detecting more COVID-19 positive patients in the community will also enable ...

Ref: COVID-19: Prevention and control measures in community [Turk J Med Sci, 2020-04-21]

1 provides a Core Outcome Set to be used in clinical trials to test the efficacy of health strategies in managing Covid-19 patients.

... needs of people quarantined at home or with restricted mobility due to the lockdown, and 1 provides a Core Outcome Set to be used in clinical trials to test the efficacy of health strategies in managing Covid-19 patients. CONCLUSIONS: All selected papers were based on previous literature and not on the current Covid-19 ...

Ref: Systematic rapid "living" review on rehabilitation needs due to covid-19: update to march 31st 2020 [Eur. j. phys. rehabil. med. (Testo stamp.), 2020]

(1) preparing the workforce and ensuring reimbursement for remote healthcare, (2) supporting mental and physical health and (3) supporting usual care.

... publications, out of which nine articles were included. Three overarching themes emerged from this review: (1) preparing the workforce and ensuring reimbursement for remote healthcare, (2) supporting mental and physical health and (3) supporting usual care. CONCLUSION: To support people living with cardiovascular disease during COVID-19 isolation and to mitigate the ...

Ref: Delivering healthcare remotely to cardiovascular patients during COVID-19: A rapid review of the evidence [Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 2020]

The preference for using 256 traditional healing among a minority of the older respondents is also of concern.

... proportion of those participants are 255 in the city of Wuhan and currently under quarantine. The preference for using 256 traditional healing among a minority of the older respondents is also of concern. Refusal 257 to seek hospital treatment not only leads to progress to serious respiratory distress ...

Ref: The role of institutional trust in preventive and treatment-seeking behaviors during the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak among residents in Hubei, China [Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 2020-02-21]

the effectiveness of quarantine varies widely depending on individuals' daily motility patterns [5] ;

... suspected of avoiding the quarantine program during his period of home-quarantine [4] . According to previous literature, the effectiveness of quarantine varies widely depending on individuals" daily motility patterns [5] ; Despite this compliance with home-quarantine in the present instance is still in question. ...

Ref: Estimation of the Excess COVID-19 Cases in Seoul, South Korea by the Students Arriving from China [Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020-04-29]

Although no contacted infection observed, appropriate self-quarantine and regular reexamination are necessary, particularly for those who have recurred symptoms.

... the endpoint of study. CONCLUSIONS The majority of COVID-19 patients after discharge were in the course of recovery. Readmission was required in rare cases due to suspected recurrence of COVID-19. Although no contacted infection observed, appropriate self-quarantine and regular reexamination are necessary, particularly for those who have recurred symptoms. ...

Ref: The Clinical Features and Outcomes of Discharged Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients:A Prospective Cohort Study. [QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2020-05-22]