¿Qué pruebas existen acerca de los superpropagadores de la COVID-19?

(What evidence is there related to covid-19 super spreaders)

Primeras 5 respuestas:

  1. It turns out that isolating super-spreaders is more effective than contact tracing and testing but less effective than targeting super-links.

  2. A cluster of tertiary cases linked to a gastric cancer patient.

  3. A super-spreader causing six infections was identified in Tianjin.

  4. Uncertainty around the role 'super-spreaders' play in the transmission and escalation of infectious disease is compounded by its broad and vague definition.

  5. We found a positive association between the density of super-spreader businesses and COVID-19 cases.

It turns out that isolating super-spreaders is more effective than contact tracing and testing but less effective than targeting super-links.

... of the population based on 35% visibility into the proximity graph prevents an epidemic outbreak. It turns out that isolating super-spreaders is more effective than contact tracing and testing but less effective than targeting super-links. We highlight the important role of topology in epidemic outbreaks. We argue that proactive innoculation ...

Ref: Unlinking super-linkers: the topology of epidemic response (Covid-19) [Microbes and Infection, 2020-06-02]

A cluster of tertiary cases linked to a gastric cancer patient.

... A cluster of tertiary cases linked to a gastric cancer patient. C-13, a female with gastric cancer, was initially hospitalized in Ward-Y at Department-I in hospital A. She was transferred to Department-III on January 10 and had surgical operation on January ...

Ref: Identification of a super-spreading chain of transmission associated with COVID-19 [Microbes and Infection, 2020-03-23]

A super-spreader causing six infections was identified in Tianjin.

... indicating higher heterogeneity) to be 0.67 (95% CI: 0.54-0.84) and 0.25 (95% CI: 0.13-0.88), respectively. A super-spreader causing six infections was identified in Tianjin. In addition, our simulation allowing for heterogeneity showed that the outbreak in Tianjin would have ...

Ref: Evaluating Transmission Heterogeneity and Super-Spreading Event of COVID-19 in a Metropolis of China [Int. j. environ. res. public health (Online), 2020]

Uncertainty around the role 'super-spreaders' play in the transmission and escalation of infectious disease is compounded by its broad and vague definition.

... Uncertainty around the role "super-spreaders" play in the transmission and escalation of infectious disease is compounded by its broad and vague definition. It is a term that has been much used in relation to COVID-19, particularly in social media. On its widest definition, it refers to a propensity to infect a larger ...

Ref: COVID-19 Super-spreaders: Definitional Quandaries and Implications [Asian Bioeth Rev, 2020]

We found a positive association between the density of super-spreader businesses and COVID-19 cases.

... The main outcome of interest is the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases each week. Results: We found a positive association between the density of super-spreader businesses and COVID-19 cases. A 1 percentage point increase in the density of super-spreader businesses is associated with 5% ...

Ref: Super-Spreader Businesses and Risk of COVID-19 Transmission [Asian Bioeth Rev, 2020-05-25]

Super spreaders have been reported for more than a century, but limited information is available in scientific literature.

... contribute disproportionately to a much larger number of cases including in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Super spreaders have been reported for more than a century, but limited information is available in scientific literature. An epidemic containment strategy needs to include early identification of super spreaders to limit an ...

Ref: Significance of super spreader events in COVID-19 [Indian J Public Health, 2020]

Generally, super-spreaders are individuals who generate a more-than-expected number of In this study,

... Generally, super-spreaders are individuals who generate a more-than-expected number of In this study, we applied a previously published method [3] to empirical data on clusters of epidemiologically-linked COVID-19 cases. With estimates of the basic reproductive number (R 0 ), which is the number ...

Ref: Inferring super-spreading from transmission clusters of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore [J Hosp Infect, 2020-05-22]

Super-spreading events in an outbreak can change the nature of an epidemic.

... Super-spreading events in an outbreak can change the nature of an epidemic. Therefore, it is useful for public health teams to determine if an ongoing outbreak has any contribution from such events, which may be amenable to interventions. We estimated the basic ...

Ref: Inferring super-spreading from transmission clusters of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore [J. hosp. infect, 2020]

Fisher's exact test yields p-value=.84, which indicates stronger evidence of no difference in the transmission rates compared with the original analysis.

... COVID-19 data from the city Ningbo. RESULTS After excluding the cases related to the super-spreader, Fisher"s exact test yields p-value=.84, which indicates stronger evidence of no difference in the transmission rates compared with the original analysis. The odds ratio of transmission rates of coronavirus between the symptomatic and asymptomatic patients is ...

Ref: Comparison of transmissibility of coronavirus between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients: Reanalysis of the Ningbo COVID-19 data. [JMIR public health and surveillance, 2020-05-21]

the Fisher exact test yields a P value of .84, which indicates stronger evidence of no difference in the transmission rates compared with the original analysis.

... data from the city of Ningbo. RESULTS: After excluding the cases related to the super-spreader, the Fisher exact test yields a P value of .84, which indicates stronger evidence of no difference in the transmission rates compared with the original analysis. The odds ratio of the coronavirus transmission rates between the symptomatic and asymptomatic patients is ...

Ref: Comparison of Transmissibility of Coronavirus Between Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Patients: Reanalysis of the Ningbo COVID-19 Data [JMIR Public Health Surveill, 2020]

Using a degree-weighted centrality measure, this paper proposes potential super-spreaders of the virus in the visualized clusters.

... paper identified two early transmission clusters in South Korea (Daegu cluster and capital area cluster). Using a degree-weighted centrality measure, this paper proposes potential super-spreaders of the virus in the visualized clusters. Conclusion Compared to various epidemiological measures such as the basic reproduction number, spatial visualizations of ...

Ref: Spatial Visualization of Cluster-Specific COVID-19 Transmission Network in South Korea During the Early Epidemic Phase [JMIR Public Health Surveill, 2020-03-20]

Public disclosure from Chinese local Health Commissions show that male and mid-aged index patients are the major source of virus from outside to the households.

... The copyright holder for this preprint . https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.02.20029868 doi: medRxiv preprint CONCLUSIONS Public disclosure from Chinese local Health Commissions show that male and mid-aged index patients are the major source of virus from outside to the households. This implies that two important actions should be taken in disease control. ...

Ref: Household transmissions of SARS-CoV-2 in the time of unprecedented travel lockdown in China [medRxiv, 2020-03-30]

He infected six colleagues in close contact with him before being confirmed on 21 January 2020 ( Figure 2) .

... outbreak in Tianjin. According to this criterion, a 57-year-old man, case 2, was a super-spreader. He infected six colleagues in close contact with him before being confirmed on 21 January 2020 ( Figure 2) . These six colleagues, as secondary cases in this transmission chain, successively infected other colleagues or ...

Ref: Evaluating Transmission Heterogeneity and Super-Spreading Event of COVID-19 in a Metropolis of China [Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020-05-24]

indicating the potential difficulty for the prevention and control of the disease.

... of asymptomatic patients and the infections of super-spreading events (Isse) still exist in the population, indicating the potential difficulty for the prevention and control of the disease. As the Return-to-Work tide is approaching and upgrading, further measures (e.g., escalatory quarantine, mask wearing ...

Ref: Effectiveness of control strategies for Coronavirus Disease 2019: a SEIR dynamic modeling study [Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020-02-23]

Then, we analyzed the association between the density of super-spreader businesses in a county and the rate of COVID-19 cases.

... Vermont, Maine, New York, and California). We used this index to classify businesses as super-spreaders. Then, we analyzed the association between the density of super-spreader businesses in a county and the rate of COVID-19 cases. We performed significance testing using a negative binomial regression. The main outcome of interest is ...

Ref: Super-Spreader Businesses and Risk of COVID-19 Transmission [Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020-05-25]

around 10% of cases could be responsible for up to 80% of transmission.

... which, early in the outbreak, Mackenzie (2020) postulated may be down to the role of super-spreaders: around 10% of cases could be responsible for up to 80% of transmission. If so, she argued, control of super-spreading would be essential in tackling the outbreak. ...

Ref: COVID-19 Super-spreaders: Definitional Quandaries and Implications [Asian Bioeth Rev, 2020-05-16]

In COVID-19, the relationship between viral load, severity and infectivity is complex and poorly understood.

... pathogen, including investigation of co-morbidity, genetics, viral load and infectivity at different stages of presentation. In COVID-19, the relationship between viral load, severity and infectivity is complex and poorly understood. Increased viral load does not necessarily result in more severe symptoms (Geddes 2020) , and ...

Ref: COVID-19 Super-spreaders: Definitional Quandaries and Implications [Asian Bioeth Rev, 2020-05-16]

A super spreader causing six infections in Tianjin, was identified.

... at 0.67 (95%CI: 0.54[~]0.84), and the dispersion parameter k was at 0.25 (95% CI: 0.13[~]0.88). A super spreader causing six infections in Tianjin, was identified. In addition, our simulation results showed that the outbreak in Tianjin would have caused 165 ...

Ref: Evaluating transmission heterogeneity and super-spreading event of COVID-19 in a metropolis of China [Asian Bioeth Rev, 2020-05-11]

Super active spreaders are the major threatening problem during this pandemic outbreak.

... controlled up to significant level in three weeks after applying all the control strategies together. Super active spreaders are the major threatening problem during this pandemic outbreak. Figure 8(d) shows that the intensity of super active spreader is controlled notably after applying ...

Ref: Modelling the impact of Plasma Therapy and Immunotherapy for Recovery of COVID-19 Infected Individuals [Asian Bioeth Rev, 2020-05-24]

Recent research has shown the maximum homology of 99% of SARS-CoV-2 to pangolins associated coronavirus,

... syndrome coronavirus (CoV)-2 (SARS-CoV-2) can prove deadlier if the so-called "super-spreading events" emerge with time. Recent research has shown the maximum homology of 99% of SARS-CoV-2 to pangolins associated coronavirus, owing to which these can serve as potential intermediate host. India is responding swiftly to ...

Ref: Novel 2019-coronavirus on new year's Eve. [Indian journal of medical microbiology, 2019]

understanding the reasons behind the efficient transmission ability are important for the control and management of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

... quarantine, and effective hygiene measures. In the present study, we report a case of super-spreader who transmitted the disease to over twenty-eight persons in Ningbo, Zhejiang. Identifying and isolated super-spreaders, understanding the reasons behind the efficient transmission ability are important for the control and management of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Ref: A super-spreader of COVID-19 in Ningbo city in China [J Infect Public Health, 2020-06-07]

Simulations provide promising results in early identification and blocking of possible'super-spreader links that transmit disease between different communities.

... or overly conservative quarantining. We show how this application of graph theory can be conveniently used to efficiently intercept new virus outbreaks, when they are still in their early stage. Simulations provide promising results in early identification and blocking of possible"super-spreader links that transmit disease between different communities. ...

Ref: A note on community-detection (Kemeny) based testing for COVID-19 [J Infect Public Health, 2020-06-15]

Identification of these super-spreaders greatly facilitates development of new strategies to control the transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

... 90% of these genomes belonged to SSs, with SS4 being the most dominant. The relative degree of contribution of each SS to the pandemic in different continents was also depicted. Identification of these super-spreaders greatly facilitates development of new strategies to control the transmission of SARS-CoV-2. ...

Ref: Genetic cluster analysis of SARS-CoV-2 and the identification of those responsible for the major outbreaks in various countries. [Emerging microbes & infections, 2020-12-01]

The super-spreader of MERS-CoV is the main cause of MERS outbreak and infection of HCW in South Korea.

... for 13.44% (25/186) of total infection cases in South Korea [27] ( Table 2 ). The super-spreader of MERS-CoV is the main cause of MERS outbreak and infection of HCW in South Korea. Having followed a single patient exposure in a hospital in South Korea, Sun Young Cho ...

Ref: SARS, MERS and COVID-19 among Healthcare Workers: A Narrative Review [J Infect Public Health, 2020-05-27]

There is some evidence to support such a distribution for covid-19.

... for an earlier release from "lockdown" with reasonable safety despite some probability of asymptomatic cases. There is some evidence to support such a distribution for covid-19. Analytical calculations and simulations show that once there is only one recognised case in some ...

Ref: Minimising lockdown periods for regional elimination of covid-19 [J Infect Public Health, 2020-04-24]

it is easy to detect the virus This can help with the comfort of the patient as well as healthcare personnel Under this perspective,

... can spread through human-to-human transmission or by super spreading By the help of the non-invasive fluid “saliva”, it is easy to detect the virus This can help with the comfort of the patient as well as healthcare personnel Under this perspective, we discuss the epidemic situation of 2019-nCOV and its relationship with human saliva ...

Ref: Human Saliva: Non-Invasive Fluid for Detecting Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) [International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020]

It was concluded that Covid-19 is associated with poor prognosis for patients undergoing thoracic operation, especially for those with COPD.

... A potential "super spreader" may be the source of the transmission before the implementation of quarantine and comprehensive protection. It was concluded that Covid-19 is associated with poor prognosis for patients undergoing thoracic operation, especially for those with COPD. Implementation of comprehensive protective measures is important to control nosocomial infection. ...

Ref: Clinical and Transmission Characteristics of Covid-19 - A Retrospective Study of 25 Cases from a Single Thoracic Surgery Department [Curr Med Sci, 2020]

The k measures the likelihood of occurrence of super-spreading events (or other factors) which could vary the growth rate.

... dispersion parameter k [3] . Here, the R0 is the basic reproduction number of COVID-19. The k measures the likelihood of occurrence of super-spreading events (or other factors) which could vary the growth rate. If k is smaller than 1, these data indicate occurrence of super-spreading events (larger proportion ...

Ref: Preliminary estimating the reproduction number of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Republic of Korea and Italy by 5 March 2020 [Curr Med Sci, 2020-03-06]

Tracheostomy is not recommended by current guidelines as it is considered a super-spreading event due to aerosolization that unduly risks healthcare workers.

... BACKGROUND: COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic, with many patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation. Tracheostomy is not recommended by current guidelines as it is considered a super-spreading event due to aerosolization that unduly risks healthcare workers. METHODS: Patients with severe COVID-19 that were on mechanical ventilation ≥ 5 days were evaluated for percutaneous ...

Ref: Novel Percutaneous Tracheostomy for Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 [Ann. thorac. surg, 2020]

in terms of innate immune response, the initial virus load, the virus burden with shedding events, and the cytokine levels.

... dynamic approach, hypothesizes over the conditions that characterize the fraction of the population which get infected by SARS-CoV-2 as the asymptomatic patients, the mild symptomatic, acute symptomatic, and also super-spreaders, in terms of innate immune response, the initial virus load, the virus burden with shedding events, and the cytokine levels. ...

Ref: System Dynamics Modeling of Within-Host Viral Kinetics of Coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) [bioRxiv, 2020-06-02]

A 1 percentage point increase in the density of super-spreader businesses is associated with 5% higher COVID-19 cases, all else equal.

... Results: We found a positive association between the density of super-spreader businesses and COVID-19 cases. A 1 percentage point increase in the density of super-spreader businesses is associated with 5% higher COVID-19 cases, all else equal. Conclusion: Higher densities of super-spreader businesses are associated with higher rates of COVID-19 cases. This ...

Ref: Super-Spreader Businesses and Risk of COVID-19 Transmission [bioRxiv, 2020-05-25]

The disease has a high propensity to spread to household members and healthcare workers and may be associated with transmission and outbreaks in the community.

... respiratory syndrome (SARS) is an emerging infection caused by a novel coronavirus known as SARS-CoV. The disease has a high propensity to spread to household members and healthcare workers and may be associated with transmission and outbreaks in the community. Severe illness in immunocompromised patients, sophisticated hospital facilities and treatment procedures, particularly those that generate ...

Ref: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) - an emerging infection of the 21st century. [Journal of the Formosan Medical Association = Taiwan yi zhi, 2003]

We compute the basic reproduction number threshold, we study the local stability of the disease free equilibrium in terms of the basic reproduction number,

... the spread of the COVID-19 disease with special focus on the transmissibility of super-spreaders individuals. We compute the basic reproduction number threshold, we study the local stability of the disease free equilibrium in terms of the basic reproduction number, and we investigate the sensitivity of the model with respect to the variation of each ...

Ref: Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics with a Case Study of Wuhan [Chaos Solitons Fractals, 2020]

Super spreaders tend to get stigmatized, resulting in late reporting and hiding of cases.

... containment strategy needs to include early identification of super spreaders to limit an explosive growth. Super spreaders tend to get stigmatized, resulting in late reporting and hiding of cases. It is important for program managers to be sensitive to the manner in which related ...

Ref: Significance of super spreader events in COVID-19 [Indian J Public Health, 2020]

Therefore, evaluating the epidemic of COVID-19 in Heilongjiang province may help provide effective strategies to restrict COVID-19 transmission.

... Specifically, a recent "super spreader" or "imported escaper" in Heilongjiang province has led to tens of diagnosed or asymptomatic cases [3] . Therefore, evaluating the epidemic of COVID-19 in Heilongjiang province may help provide effective strategies to restrict COVID-19 transmission. ...

Ref: Modeling COVID-19 Epidemic in Heilongjiang Province, China [Chaos Solitons Fractals, 2020-05-29]

It is imperative to control the epidemic by understanding the epidemiological feature, preventative quarantine, and effective hygiene measures.

... An outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread rapidly. It is imperative to control the epidemic by understanding the epidemiological feature, preventative quarantine, and effective hygiene measures. In the present study, we report a case of super-spreader who transmitted the disease to over twenty-eight persons in Ningbo, ...

Ref: A super-spreader of COVID-19 in Ningbo city in China [J Infect Public Health, 2020-06-07]

we analyzed the association between the density of super-spreader businesses in a county and the rate of COVID-19 cases.

... Maine, New York, and California). We used this index to classify businesses as super-spreaders. Then, we analyzed the association between the density of super-spreader businesses in a county and the rate of COVID-19 cases. We performed significance testing using a negative binomial regression. The main outcome of interest is ...

Ref: Super-Spreader Businesses and Risk of COVID-19 Transmission [J Infect Public Health, 2020-05-25]

In total 34 primary cases were identified as super spreaders, and 5 household super-spreading events were observed.

... extracted from online public reports. 1,407 infection events formed 643 transmission clusters were reconstructed. RESULTS: In total 34 primary cases were identified as super spreaders, and 5 household super-spreading events were observed. The mean serial interval is estimated to be 4.95 days (standard deviation: 5.24 days) and ...

Ref: Household transmissions of SARS-CoV-2 in the time of unprecedented travel lockdown in China [medRxiv, 2020-03-30]

It was a cluster epidemic of COVID-19 caused by a super spreader in a massive rally. The epidemic has been under effective control.

... asymptomatic infection cases occurred, the attack rate was 2.88% (37/1 283) and the infection rate was 4.76% (48/1 008). The main transmission routes included vehicle sharing and family transmission. Conclusion: It was a cluster epidemic of COVID-19 caused by a super spreader in a massive rally. The epidemic has been under effective control. ...

Ref: [Investigation of a cluster epidemic of COVID-19 in Ningbo]. [Zhonghua liu xing bing xue za zhi = Zhonghua liuxingbingxue zazhi, 2020-05-13]

there is strong evidence pointing to the role of genetic drift occurring in many continental regions and restricted locations, especially outside China.

... In contrast to the weak (or null) action of positive selection on COVID-19 spread, there is strong evidence pointing to the role of genetic drift occurring in many continental regions and restricted locations, especially outside China. ...

Ref: The impact of super-spreaders in COVID-19: mapping genome variation worldwide [bioRxiv, 2020-06-12]

data is still scant on whether SARS-CoV-2 can survive outside the body for long.

... a particularly vulnerable population with frequent comorbidities, including cancer and immunosuppression. 9, 10 In addition, data is still scant on whether SARS-CoV-2 can survive outside the body for long. The coronavirus that caused Middle East respiratory syndrome demonstrated the ability to survive outside the ...

Ref: Bronchoscopy in the Age of COVID-19 [J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol, 2020-03-19]

are proving indispensable for timely and effective epidemic monitoring and response.

... population travel data, and tracing and mapping super-spreader trajectories and contacts across space and time, are proving indispensable for timely and effective epidemic monitoring and response. This paper offers pointers to, and describes, a range of practical online/mobile GIS and mapping ...

Ref: Geographical tracking and mapping of coronavirus disease COVID-19/severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic and associated events around the world: how 21st century GIS technologies are supporting the global fight against outbreaks and epidemics [Int J Health Geogr, 2020]

Epidemiological data suggest that a few index cases caused a disproportionate number of secondary cases, the so-called 'super-spreading incidents'.

... viruses did not spread in the Hong Kong population when HKU-33a/b did so is unclear. Epidemiological data suggest that a few index cases caused a disproportionate number of secondary cases, the so-called "super-spreading incidents". 24 The initiation by HKU-33a/b in patient 1 of the first superspreading incident in Hong ...

Ref: Molecular epidemiology of the novel coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome [The Lancet, 2004-01-10]

There are multiple factors contributing to this event and include: immune suppression, increased disease severity and viral load, asymptomatic individuals, and extensive social interactions.

... In conclusion, the occurrence of a super-spreading events had contributed to the transmission of SARS, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. There are multiple factors contributing to this event and include: immune suppression, increased disease severity and viral load, asymptomatic individuals, and extensive social interactions. ...

Ref: Super-spreading events and contribution to transmission of MERS, SARS, and COVID-19 [J Hosp Infect, 2020-04-08]

super-spreaders are individuals who generate a more-than-expected number of In this study,

... Generally, super-spreaders are individuals who generate a more-than-expected number of In this study, we applied a previously published method [3] to empirical data on clusters of epidemiologically-linked COVID-19 cases. With estimates of the basic reproductive number (R 0 ), which is the ...

Ref: Inferring super-spreading from transmission clusters of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore [J Hosp Infect, 2020-05-22]

We compute the basic reproduction number threshold,

... the spread of the COVID-19 disease with special focus on the transmissibility of super-spreaders individuals. We compute the basic reproduction number threshold, we study the local stability of the disease free equilibrium in terms of the basic ...

Ref: Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics with a Case Study of Wuhan [Chaos Solitons Fractals, 2020]

The 6th case is unlikely to be a super-spreader given a low number of physical contacts with other individuals before being treated.

... 6th case made physical contact with 17 different individuals and resulted in four new cases. The 6th case is unlikely to be a super-spreader given a low number of physical contacts with other individuals before being treated. Although this cluster represents the largest connected component from the entire visualized infection network, it ...

Ref: Spatial Visualization of Cluster-Specific COVID-19 Transmission Network in South Korea During the Early Epidemic Phase [Chaos Solitons Fractals, 2020-03-20]

Another explanation is that super-spreading event may occur because individuals with no or mild symptomatic may go unrecognized, and no measures are implemented.

... Another explanation is that super-spreading event may occur because individuals with no or mild symptomatic may go unrecognized, and no measures are implemented. Such cases would then lead to widespread dissemination of the virus before recognition and application of infection control measures. ...

Ref: Super-spreading events and contribution to transmission of MERS, SARS, and COVID-19 [J Hosp Infect, 2020-04-08]

We discuss the potentials of network analysis in mitigating the further spread of the disease.

... Individual (s) and Super Spreader Events (SSE) responsible for the outbreak in their respective regions. We discuss the potentials of network analysis in mitigating the further spread of the disease. This is one of the initial studies of the outbreak in India and the first ...

Ref: Connecting the Dots of COVID-19 Transmissions in India [J Hosp Infect, 2020-04-16]

If the covid-19 virus is transmitted largely by superspreaders, it might not go pandemic,

If the covid-19 virus is transmitted largely by superspreaders, it might not go pandemic, reports Debora MacKenzie

Ref: Is it super-spreading? [New Scientist, 2020-02-22]

Conclusion: It was a cluster epidemic of COVID-19 caused by a super spreader in a massive rally.

... rate was 2.88% (37/1 283) and the infection rate was 4.76% (48/1 008). The main transmission routes included vehicle sharing and family transmission. Conclusion: It was a cluster epidemic of COVID-19 caused by a super spreader in a massive rally. The epidemic has been under effective control. ...

Ref: [Investigation of a cluster epidemic of COVID-19 in Ningbo]. [Zhonghua liu xing bing xue za zhi = Zhonghua liuxingbingxue zazhi, 2020-05-13]

Uncertainty around the role ‘super-spreaders’ play in the transmission and escalation of infectious disease is compounded by its broad and vague definition.

... Uncertainty around the role ‘super-spreaders’ play in the transmission and escalation of infectious disease is compounded by its broad and vague definition. It is a term that has been much used in relation to COVID-19, particularly in social media. On its widest definition, it refers to a propensity to infect a larger ...

Ref: COVID-19 Super-spreaders: Definitional Quandaries and Implications [Asian Bioeth Rev, 2020-05-16]

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges to the health care community.

... The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges to the health care community. Many of the super-speciality practices are planning to re-open after the lockdown is lifted. However there is lot of apprehension in everyone"s mind about conforming practices that would safeguard the ...

Ref: Evolving consensus on managing vitreo-retina and uvea practice in post-COVID-19 pandemic era. [Indian journal of ophthalmology, 2020-06-01]

This allowed us to infer the presence or absence of super-spreading events during the early phase of these outbreaks.

... from empirical data on clusters of epidemiologically-linked COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore. This allowed us to infer the presence or absence of super-spreading events during the early phase of these outbreaks. The relatively large values of k implied that large cluster sizes, compatible with super-spreading, were ...

Ref: Inferring super-spreading from transmission clusters of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore [J. hosp. infect, 2020]

This new class, as added to any compartmental model, implies a number of analysis about disease free equilibrium points,

... Our main contribution is related with considering the class of super-spreaders, which is now appearing in medical journals (see, e.g., [8, 9] ). This new class, as added to any compartmental model, implies a number of analysis about disease free equilibrium points, which is also considered in this work. ...

Ref: Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics with a Case Study of Wuhan [Chaos Solitons Fractals, 2020-04-27]

The outbreak caused by the Type I virus should have occurred somewhere else, because the patients had no direct link to the market.

... the outbreak in the Wuhan Huanan market and it was likely originated from a super-spreader. The outbreak caused by the Type I virus should have occurred somewhere else, because the patients had no direct link to the market. Furthermore, by analyzing three genomic sites that distinguish Type I and Type II strains, we ...

Ref: Genomic variations of SARS-CoV-2 suggest multiple outbreak sources of transmission [Chaos Solitons Fractals, 2020-02-26]

The relatively large values of k implied that large cluster sizes, compatible with super-spreading, were unlikely.

... clusters of epidemiologically-linked COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore. This allowed us to infer the presence or absence of super-spreading events during the early phase of these outbreaks. The relatively large values of k implied that large cluster sizes, compatible with super-spreading, were unlikely. ...

Ref: Inferring super-spreading from transmission clusters of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore [J. hosp. infect, 2020]

It was a cluster epidemic of COVID-19 caused by a super spreader in a massive rally.

... was 2.88% (37/1 283) and the infection rate was 4.76% (48/1 008). The main transmission routes included vehicle sharing and family transmission. Conclusion: It was a cluster epidemic of COVID-19 caused by a super spreader in a massive rally. The epidemic has been under effective control. ...

Ref: [Investigation of a cluster epidemic of COVID-19 in Ningbo]. [Zhonghua liu xing bing xue za zhi = Zhonghua liuxingbingxue zazhi, 2020-05-13]

evaluating the epidemic of COVID-19 in Heilongjiang province may help provide effective strategies to restrict COVID-19 transmission.

... Specifically, a recent "super spreader" or "imported escaper" in Heilongjiang province has led to tens of diagnosed or asymptomatic cases [3] . Therefore, evaluating the epidemic of COVID-19 in Heilongjiang province may help provide effective strategies to restrict COVID-19 transmission. ...

Ref: Modeling COVID-19 Epidemic in Heilongjiang Province, China [Chaos Solitons Fractals, 2020-05-29]

it still takes a year or more to formulate a vaccine-time enough for the virus to reach every corner of the world.

... within hours. Among the jet set, there is potential to become a super spreader [23] , infecting many people across an expansive geographical area. While vaccine technology has advanced significantly, it still takes a year or more to formulate a vaccine-time enough for the virus to reach every corner of the world. ...

Ref: Geographical tracking and mapping of coronavirus disease COVID-19/severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic and associated events around the world: how 21st century GIS technologies are supporting the global fight against outbreaks and epidemics [Int J Health Geogr, 2020-03-11]

these risk estimates provide evidence for policymakers who are still weighing if, when, and how aggressively to enact social distancing measures.

... Although not entirely surprising, these risk estimates provide evidence for policymakers who are still weighing if, when, and how aggressively to enact social distancing measures. It is likely that our entire map will be bright red within a week or two, given that COVID-19 spreads very quickly and often silently (4, ...

Ref: The unseen and pervasive threat of COVID-19 throughout the US [Int J Health Geogr, 2020-04-11]

Super active spreaders are the major threatening problem during this pandemic outbreak. Our results show that the super active spreaders can be controlled notably by optimal .

... paramount importance in breaking this periodic chain of infection and preventing the resurgence of infection. Super active spreaders are the major threatening problem during this pandemic outbreak. Our results show that the super active spreaders can be controlled notably by optimal . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has ...

Ref: Modelling the impact of Plasma Therapy and Immunotherapy for Recovery of COVID-19 Infected Individuals [Int J Health Geogr, 2020-05-24]

COVID-19 was predominantly more prevalent among adults more than or equal to 15 years of age in the early stages of the outbreak,

... COVID-19 was predominantly more prevalent among adults more than or equal to 15 years of age in the early stages of the outbreak, and the proportion of confirmed cases among children was relatively small. Since then, however, more regions have launched pathogen detection campaigns and, because younger children cannot wear masks and have ...

Ref: COVID‐19 epidemic: Disease characteristics in children [J Med Virol, 2020-04-15]

The outbreak patterns in these provinces thus may provide crucial information for the control of COVID-19 outbreaks in other countries.

control strategies. The outbreak patterns in these provinces thus may provide crucial information for the control of COVID-19 outbreaks in other countries.

Ref: Transmission characteristics of the COVID-19 outbreak in China: a study driven by data [J Med Virol, 2020-03-01]

Super spreaders have been reported for more than a century,

... contribute disproportionately to a much larger number of cases including in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Super spreaders have been reported for more than a century, but limited information is available in scientific literature. An epidemic containment strategy needs to include ...

Ref: Significance of super spreader events in COVID-19 [Indian J Public Health, 2020]

provide a piece of reliable imaging evidence for initial screening and diagnosis.

... To summarize chest computed tomography (CT) manifestations of the early stage of COVID-19 infection and provide a piece of reliable imaging evidence for initial screening and diagnosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From 10 January 2020 to 10 February 2020, we continuously observed chest ...

Ref: Computed tomography manifestations in super early stage 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia [Acta Radiol, 2020]

The spread of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV occurred to a large extent through super-transmission events [6] [7] .

... Age and comorbidities (such as diabetes or heart disease) are independent predictors of poor SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV outcomes. The spread of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV occurred to a large extent through super-transmission events [6] [7] . ...

Ref: Transmission and epidemiological characteristics of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infected Pneumonia (COVID-19): preliminary evidence obtained in comparison with 2003-SARS [Acta Radiol, 2020-02-02]

The COVID 19 is a pandemic having an epidemic nature influencing the human health and economy in a global level.

... The COVID 19 is a pandemic having an epidemic nature influencing the human health and economy in a global level. The major limitation to overcome the issue is the lack of potential vaccines or effective medicines to treat or control the disease. Considering the shortness of time to act, the ...

Ref: Factors influencing the epidemiological characteristics of pandemic COVID 19: A TISM approach [Int. J. Healthc. Manage., 2020]

Evidence is accumulating on the existence of many asymptomatic or and cases who had not yet developed symptoms at the time of data collection but became symptomatic later.

... Evidence is accumulating on the existence of many asymptomatic or and cases who had not yet developed symptoms at the time of data collection but became symptomatic later. As predicted using a statistical model, the estimated total number of true asymptomatic cases was at 113.3 and the estimated asymptomatic proportion (among all infected cases) was 17.9%. Another study ...

Ref: Asymptomatic cases with SARS‐CoV‐2 infection [J Med Virol, 2020-05-22]

The patient presented with abdominal symptoms and was initially admitted to a surgery department, resulting in over 10 HCWs being infected.

... China, with 13 deaths reported. 11 A COVID-19 "super-spreader" was reported in a Wuhan hospital. The patient presented with abdominal symptoms and was initially admitted to a surgery department, resulting in over 10 HCWs being infected. 12 In many other countries, currently thousands of HCWs have been infected, and hundreds have ...

Ref: Occupational health responses to COVID‐19: What lessons can we learn from SARS? [J Occup Health, 2020-05-13]

yearly average temperature, economic openness and political democracy level of countries have significant effect on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 across countries.

... In this study we employ Least Squares method and provide statistical evidences that yearly average temperature, economic openness and political democracy level of countries have significant effect on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 across countries. Data on 163 infected countries is analyzed latest on 03 April 2020 which reveals that countries with ...

Ref: Is the spread of COVID-19 across countries influenced by environmental, economic and social factors? [J Occup Health, 2020-04-11]

We used this index to classify businesses as super-spreaders.

... in 8 states (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, New York, and California). We used this index to classify businesses as super-spreaders. Then, we analyzed the association between the density of super-spreader businesses in a county and ...

Ref: Super-Spreader Businesses and Risk of COVID-19 Transmission [J Occup Health, 2020-05-25]

Furthermore, another forty-nine individuals were infected by the twenty-eight individuals (thirty-nine COVID-19 cases and ten asymptomatic cases).

... the SARS-CoV-2 virus to twenty-eight individuals and caused twenty-seven COVID-19 cases and an asymptomatic case. Furthermore, another forty-nine individuals were infected by the twenty-eight individuals (thirty-nine COVID-19 cases and ten asymptomatic cases). Fortunately, aggressive contact tracing and testing adopted by our government stopped the SES from further ...

Ref: A super-spreader of COVID-19 in Ningbo city in China [J Infect Public Health, 2020-06-07]

This editorial considers studies which establish our current understanding of SARSCoV-2 and the indicated direction for treatment of COVID-19 patients

... This editorial considers studies which establish our current understanding of SARSCoV-2 and the indicated direction for treatment of COVID-19 patients and future research Recent modelling studies point to the effect of SARS-CoV-2 on hemoglobin as a key element in understanding the pathogenesis of COVID-19 This would suggest that the focus ...

Ref: Is hemoglobin the missing link in the pathogenesis of COVID-19? [Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care, 2020]

The true risk of a COVID-19 resurgence as states prepare to reopen businesses is unknown.

... number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the world to date, with over 94,000 COVID-19-related deaths. The true risk of a COVID-19 resurgence as states prepare to reopen businesses is unknown. This paper aims to classify businesses by their risk of transmission and quantify the relationship ...

Ref: Super-Spreader Businesses and Risk of COVID-19 Transmission [Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care, 2020-05-25]

isolating super-spreaders is more effective than contact tracing and testing but less effective than targeting super-links.

... on 35% visibility into the proximity graph prevents an epidemic outbreak. It turns out that isolating super-spreaders is more effective than contact tracing and testing but less effective than targeting super-links. We highlight the important role of topology in epidemic outbreaks. We argue that proactive innoculation ...

Ref: Unlinking super-linkers: the topology of epidemic response (Covid-19) [Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care, 2020-06-02]

we show that in the presence of superspreaders the median trajectory starting from a single infection grows much slower than the average trajectory,

... the number of infected individuals is very low. To provide additional motivation for this approach, we show that in the presence of superspreaders the median trajectory starting from a single infection grows much slower than the average trajectory, which very likely leads to overestimation of the doubling time. We used a susceptibleexposed-infected-removed (SEIR) ...

Ref: Accounting for super-spreading gives the basic reproduction number R0 of COVID-19 that is higher than initially estimated [Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care, 2020-05-01]

Consistent with a high-prevalence setting 26 individuals had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies determined by in-house neutralisation testing.

... in 42 social and working contacts of a super-spreader from the Heinsberg area in Germany. Consistent with a high-prevalence setting 26 individuals had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies determined by in-house neutralisation testing. These results were compared with four commercial assays, suggesting limited sensitivity of the assays in ...

Ref: Sensitivity of commercial Anti-SARS-CoV-2 serological assays in a high-prevalence setting [Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care, 2020-06-12]

The Covid-19 has been declared as an international public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO).

... an unprecedented rate. By April 2, 2020, more than 150 countries have been affected by Covid-19 with a total of close to one million confirmed cases and over 47,000 deaths. The Covid-19 has been declared as an international public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO). ...

Ref: Comparison of transmissibility of coronavirus between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients: Reanalysis of the Ningbo Covid-19 data [Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care, 2020-04-07]

The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in Republic of Korea and Italy could be amplified due to large-scale gathering activities [12, 13] .

... The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in Republic of Korea and Italy could be amplified due to large-scale gathering activities [12, 13] . Without public health control or selfprotective measures, the epidemic was likely to grow in a relatively large rate. The R0 estimates and the rapid growth of epidemic curves both indicates ...

Ref: Preliminary estimating the reproduction number of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Republic of Korea and Italy by 5 March 2020 [Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care, 2020-03-06]

Super-spreaders were probably the main responsible for genetic drift episodes.

... established a severe population lockdown. In good agreement with epidemiological data, we observed multiple worldwide introductions of SARS-CoV-2 coming from Asia. Super-spreaders were probably the main responsible for genetic drift episodes. We detected >48 haplotypes in our dataset that most ...

Ref: The impact of super-spreaders in COVID-19: mapping genome variation worldwide [bioRxiv, 2020-06-12]

The phenomenon of 'super-spreaders' has been invoked to explain why so few transmissions resulted from the majority of non-isolated individuals

... in hospitals in Singapore [49] , Taiwan [52], Canada [53] and Hong Kong [54] . The phenomenon of "super-spreaders" has been invoked to explain why so few transmissions resulted from the majority of non-isolated individuals while a few rare cases were associated with the vast majority of transmissions [49] . ...

Ref: SARS: responding to an unknown virus [Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2004-07-14]

The COVID-19 pandemic has spread worldwide, causing more than 5.8 million infections at present (May 30, 2020).

... The COVID-19 pandemic has spread worldwide, causing more than 5.8 million infections at present (May 30, 2020). [1] Infectious aerosols disperse during aerosol-generating procedures such as tracheal intubation. [2] There is a concern that aerosols may also be generated from the chest tube, especially with air leaks, ...

Ref: Chest tube with air leaks is a potential “super spreader” of COVID-19 [Am J Infect Control, 2020-06-05]

There is evidence that this is a cost effective, safe and necessary service to complement COVID-19 testing in hospitals.

... the community. This enabled individuals to remain in self-isolation in their own homes and to prevent healthcare settings and services from being overwhelmed by admissions for sampling of suspected cases. There is evidence that this is a cost effective, safe and necessary service to complement COVID-19 testing in hospitals. ...

Ref: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Community Testing Team in Scotland: A 14-day review, 6 to 20 February 2020 [Euro Surveill, 2020-03-26]

The major limitation to overcome the issue is the lack of potential vaccines or effective medicines to treat or control the disease.

... pandemic having an epidemic nature influencing the human health and economy in a global level. The major limitation to overcome the issue is the lack of potential vaccines or effective medicines to treat or control the disease. Considering the shortness of time to act, the purpose of the paper was to identify ...

Ref: Factors influencing the epidemiological characteristics of pandemic COVID 19: A TISM approach [Int. J. Healthc. Manage., 2020]

we aimed at accounting for super-spreading events that are implausible when the number of infected individuals is very low.

... considering the early phase in which the number of registered cases begins to exceed 100, we aimed at accounting for super-spreading events that are implausible when the number of infected individuals is very low. To provide additional motivation for this approach, we show that in the presence of superspreaders ...

Ref: Accounting for super-spreading gives the basic reproduction number R0 of COVID-19 that is higher than initially estimated [Int. J. Healthc. Manage., 2020-05-01]

it is easy to detect the virus This can help with the comfort of the patient as well as healthcare personnel

... through human-to-human transmission or by super spreading By the help of the non-invasive fluid “saliva”, it is easy to detect the virus This can help with the comfort of the patient as well as healthcare personnel Under this perspective, we discuss the epidemic situation of 2019-nCOV and its relationship with human ...

Ref: Human Saliva: Non-Invasive Fluid for Detecting Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) [International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020]

Super-spreaders continue to be of particular concern in epidemiology and they have been identified in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

... However, a super-spreader is an individual who is more likely to infect others, compared with a typical infected person. Super-spreaders continue to be of particular concern in epidemiology and they have been identified in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Ref: Comprehensive review of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) [Biomed J, 2020-06-01]

accumulating evidence has indicated that wearing mask in general population is useful to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission.

... general population because of lack of evidence. 4 However, the absence of evidence of effectiveness just means no relevant investigation, but is not equal to evidence of ineffectiveness.3 So far, accumulating evidence has indicated that wearing mask in general population is useful to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission. ...

Ref: Possibly critical role of wearing masks in general population in controlling COVID‐19 [J Med Virol, 2020-04-15]

proving indispensable for timely and effective epidemic monitoring and response.

... travel data, and tracing and mapping super-spreader trajectories and contacts across space and time, are proving indispensable for timely and effective epidemic monitoring and response. This paper offers pointers to, and describes, a range of practical online/mobile GIS and mapping ...

Ref: Geographical tracking and mapping of coronavirus disease COVID-19/severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic and associated events around the world: how 21st century GIS technologies are supporting the global fight against outbreaks and epidemics [Int J Health Geogr, 2020]

The National Health Commission publishes data of accumulated and newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 from January 20, 2020,

... WHO (http://www.who. int) and the National Health Commission of the People"s Republic of China (http://www.nhc.gov.cn/). The National Health Commission publishes data of accumulated and newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 from January 20, 2020, from which the data from January 21 to March 18 were selected. The regions selected ...

Ref: Mathematical model of infection kinetics and its analysis for COVID-19, SARS and MERS [Infect Genet Evol, 2020-04-08]

it is evident that our broad training is valuable in helping patients and allowing the otolaryngologist to meaningfully contribute to the larger health care community,

... became scarce in some health care systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. More now than ever, it is evident that our broad training is valuable in helping patients and allowing the otolaryngologist to meaningfully contribute to the larger health care community, especially while the majority (70%-95%) of elective care is delayed. With our skill set, otolaryngologists ...

Ref: Otolaryngologists' Role in Redeployment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Commentary [Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2020]

RESULTS: In total 34 primary cases were identified as super spreaders, and 5 household super-spreading events were observed.

... were extracted from online public reports. 1,407 infection events formed 643 transmission clusters were reconstructed. RESULTS: In total 34 primary cases were identified as super spreaders, and 5 household super-spreading events were observed. The mean serial interval is estimated to be 4.95 days (standard deviation: 5.24 days) and ...

Ref: Household transmissions of SARS-CoV-2 in the time of unprecedented travel lockdown in China [medRxiv, 2020-03-30]

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic of international concern.

... spanning across Asia, including South Korea, Europe, North America, South America, and Oceania (Phelan, Katz, & Gostin, 2020). The fatality rate is 0.2 deaths per 100,000 persons per week globally. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic of international concern. ...

Ref: Strategies for prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 in the dental field [Oral Dis, 2020-05-16]

By March 25, more than 5000 cases could be linked to the Shincheonji cluster.

... on the 10 th of February, and was announced COVID-19 positive on 18 th February. By March 25, more than 5000 cases could be linked to the Shincheonji cluster. On March 10 th 61 of the 122 member Choir attended a rehearsal between 6:30 ...

Ref: Eat, Pray, Work: A meta-analysis of COVID-19 Transmission Risk in Common Activities of Work and Leisure [Oral Dis, 2020-05-24]

The geographic heterogeneity and associated intervention strategies highlight the need to monitor in real time the transmission potential of COVID-19.

... that started in China in December 2019 is now generating local transmission around the world. The geographic heterogeneity and associated intervention strategies highlight the need to monitor in real time the transmission potential of COVID-19. Singapore provides a unique case example for monitoring transmission, as there have been multiple disease ...

Ref: Real-time monitoring the transmission potential of COVID-19 in Singapore, March 2020 [medRxiv, 2020-04-17]

Multiple founder effect episodes, most likely associated with super-spreader hosts, explain COVID-19 pandemic to a large extent.

... locates at the Chinese haplogroup B1, with a TMRCA dating to 12 November 2019 - thus matching epidemiological records. Sub-haplogroup A2a originates in China and represents the major non-Asian outbreak. Multiple founder effect episodes, most likely associated with super-spreader hosts, explain COVID-19 pandemic to a large extent. ...

Ref: The impact of super-spreaders in COVID-19: mapping genome variation worldwide [bioRxiv, 2020-06-12]

He infected six colleagues in close contact with him before being confirmed on 21 January 2020

... outbreak in Tianjin. According to this criterion, a 57-year-old man, case 2, was a super-spreader. He infected six colleagues in close contact with him before being confirmed on 21 January 2020 ( Figure 2) . These six colleagues, as secondary cases in this transmission chain, successively ...

Ref: Evaluating Transmission Heterogeneity and Super-Spreading Event of COVID-19 in a Metropolis of China [Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020-05-24]

the occurrence of a super-spreading events had contributed to the transmission of SARS, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2.

... In conclusion, the occurrence of a super-spreading events had contributed to the transmission of SARS, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. There are multiple factors contributing to this event and include: immune suppression, increased disease severity and viral load, asymptomatic individuals, and extensive social interactions. ...

Ref: Super-spreading events and contribution to transmission of MERS, SARS, and COVID-19 [J Hosp Infect, 2020-04-08]

Super-spreaders infect others with a probability that is (1−s)/s times higher than non-superspreaders.

... ) individuals with the subscript s (e.g., A s , I s ) (ns, resp.). Super-spreaders infect others with a probability that is (1−s)/s times higher than non-superspreaders. Daily testing probabilities improved over the the first 30 days of province-wide closures as processing ...

Ref: The far side of the COVID-19 epidemic curve: local re-openings based on globally coordinated triggers may work best [J Hosp Infect, 2020-05-14]