¿Cómo de limpio está el aire en los aviones de pasajeros y cuáles son las medidas de reducción de riesgos de la covid-19 para aeropuertos y aerolíneas?

(How clean is the air in passenger aircrafts and what are the covid-19 risk reduction steps for airports and airlines?)

Primeras 5 respuestas:

  1. Shipments of food and medical supplies have been protected by governments to ensure the supply of basic necessities.

  2. The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions and fall in consumer demand led to a dramatic and unprecedented reduction in passenger flights across Europe.

  3. Most airlines have grounded their aircraft while they cannot stop the other operating and maintenance cost.

  4. COVID-19 has forced many airlines to reduce their fleets, retire old aircraft, or stop serving long-haul destinations.

  5. a larger reduction in air travel through airports in a large part of the cumulative incidence area would lead to a gradual decrease in the risk flow.

Shipments of food and medical supplies have been protected by governments to ensure the supply of basic necessities.

... significance of air cargo has been vindicated by the Covid-19 crisis ( Figure 4 ). Shipments of food and medical supplies have been protected by governments to ensure the supply of basic necessities. Thus, even though air freight tons quickly dropped in Asia Pacific in late January, a ...

Ref: An early assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on air transport: Just another crisis or the end of aviation as we know it? [J Transp Geogr, 2020-06-04]

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions and fall in consumer demand led to a dramatic and unprecedented reduction in passenger flights across Europe.

... The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions and fall in consumer demand led to a dramatic and unprecedented reduction in passenger flights across Europe. As borders closed, national Governments advised against all but essential travel and passenger demand disappeared, European airlines were forced to quickly respond to the downturn and impose unprecedented cost saving ...

Ref: European airline response to the COVID-19 pandemic – Contraction, consolidation and future considerations for airline business and management [J Transp Geogr, 2020-10-03]

Most airlines have grounded their aircraft while they cannot stop the other operating and maintenance cost.

... COVID-19 has extremely affected airlines and airports to a standstill situation. Most airlines have grounded their aircraft while they cannot stop the other operating and maintenance cost. Similar situation can be seen with airports operations as air traffic has reduced a lot due to the low ...

Ref: The future of airport post COVID-19 [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-08-15]

COVID-19 has forced many airlines to reduce their fleets, retire old aircraft, or stop serving long-haul destinations.

... the global air transport system to increase its desirability for society. It is also plausible. COVID-19 has forced many airlines to reduce their fleets, retire old aircraft, or stop serving long-haul destinations. Airlines have gone bankrupt (Flybee, South African Airways, Eurowings), or entered Voluntary Administration (Air Mauritius, ...

Ref: Risks, resilience, and pathways to sustainable aviation: A COVID-19 perspective [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-09-16]

a larger reduction in air travel through airports in a large part of the cumulative incidence area would lead to a gradual decrease in the risk flow.

... U.S., Australia, and countries in northeast Asia and Latin America are subject to risk. Further, a larger reduction in air travel through airports in a large part of the cumulative incidence area would lead to a gradual decrease in the risk flow. Importantly, the exportation risk of the disease from some airports in China, Iran, and European ...

Ref: Airport risk of importation and exportation of the COVID-19 pandemic [Transp Policy (Oxf), 2020-07-01]

Strict travel-ban restrictions further amplified the substantial reduction of air passenger demand and resulted in a large number of flight cancellations.

... the disease being related to more than 800,000 deaths worldwide (as of August 23rd, 2020). Strict travel-ban restrictions further amplified the substantial reduction of air passenger demand and resulted in a large number of flight cancellations. Although the total number of the COVID-19 infected cases is surging, a few countries seem ...

Ref: How did COVID-19 impact air transportation? A first peek through the lens of complex networks [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-09-12]

the operations of these aircraft on its own, even if they were not fully loaded, puts the crews and therefore the destination countries at high risk.

... of passengers stranded in remote places; even into times when travel bans were active. Nevertheless, the operations of these aircraft on its own, even if they were not fully loaded, puts the crews and therefore the destination countries at high risk. Therefore, these four examples motivate us to analyze the effect of synchronization between air transport ...

Ref: On the degree of synchronization between air transport connectivity and COVID-19 cases at worldwide level [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-07-16]

Air is filtered and recirculated, though circulation may be disrupted when engines are off.

... cabin that is pressurized to the equivalent of an altitude of 5000-8000 feet (1524-2438 m). Air is filtered and recirculated, though circulation may be disrupted when engines are off. Dominant elements inside the aircraft cabin are large numbers of humans in close proximity, occasional ...

Ref: What goes on board aircraft? Passengers include Aedes, Anopheles, 2019-nCoV, dengue, Salmonella, Zika, et al [Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 2020-02-29]

this will increase turnaround times and stand utilisation times and make airport assets less efficient in addition to increasing airline costs.

... from the possible need for aircraft to undergo additional cleaning and disinfection between flights as this will increase turnaround times and stand utilisation times and make airport assets less efficient in addition to increasing airline costs. Although it is possible that the first wave of post-COVID services might depart with no ...

Ref: Grounded aircraft: An airfield operations perspective of the challenges of resuming flights post COVID [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-09-03]

Appropriate safety checks must be carried out before the airline traffic is recuperated.

... a shortage of passenger traffic, IACO"s recommended that many airports will have decommissioned some assets. Appropriate safety checks must be carried out before the airline traffic is recuperated. To meet this requirement, airports and airlines must work together to ensure that correct flight ...

Ref: Air carrier's liability for the safety of passengers during COVID-19 pandemic [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-08-19]

Most airlines tried to operate a normal schedule until they were prevented by drastic mobility restrictions.

... a lagged response in the rest of the world"s regions (Figures 2, 3 and 4). Most airlines tried to operate a normal schedule until they were prevented by drastic mobility restrictions. These translated into sudden drops in flight numbers from mid-March 2020, when lockdowns and border ...

Ref: An early assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on air transport: Just another crisis or the end of aviation as we know it? [J Transp Geogr, 2020-06-04]

The results provide convincing evidence on the effectiveness that the European airports' system offer in controlling the emergence of epidemics,

... from detailed stress-tests covering both mild as well as aggressive cases of epidemic spreading scenarios. The results provide convincing evidence on the effectiveness that the European airports" system offer in controlling the emergence of epidemics, but also on the time and extent that controlling measures should be taken in order ...

Ref: Identification of critical airports for controlling global infectious disease outbreaks: Stress-tests focusing in Europe [J Air Transp Manag, 2020]

Several governments issued restrictions on inbound flights to mitigate such risk.

... the world, many countries are exposed to the imported case risk from inbound international flights. Several governments issued restrictions on inbound flights to mitigate such risk. But with the pandemic controlled in many countries, some decide to reopen the economy by ...

Ref: Measuring imported case risk of COVID-19 from inbound international flights ––– A case study on China [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-08-28]

The tool provides a useful method for assessing COVID-19 importation risk and may be useful in other settings.

... Guinea, French Polynesia or New Caledonia). Other importation routes include from other east Asian countries to Guam, and from Australia, New Zealand and other European countries to the south Pacific. The tool provides a useful method for assessing COVID-19 importation risk and may be useful in other settings. ...

Ref: Risk of COVID-19 importation to the Pacific islands through global air travel [Epidemiol Infect, 2020]

Our findings suggest a positive relationship between higher volume of airline passenger traffic carried in a country and higher numbers of patients with COVID-19.

... analyze the variation in COVID-19-infected people in countries, we used negative binomial regression analysis. RESULTS: Our findings suggest a positive relationship between higher volume of airline passenger traffic carried in a country and higher numbers of patients with COVID-19. We further found that countries which have a higher number of airports are associated with ...

Ref: cord_uid r28fqmbx Human mobility and coronavirus disease 2019 (C... r28fqmbx Human mobility and coronavirus disease 2019 (C... Name: title, dtype: object [Epidemiol Infect, cord_uid r28fqmbx 2020 r28fqmbx 2020 Name: publish_time, dtype: object]

Lockdown of two months has been drastic for the fragile airlines business distressed with thin margins, liquidity crisis, over mounting fixed cost and debt.

... paper attempts to analyze the vulnerability of airlines in India to withstand Covid-19 after effects. Lockdown of two months has been drastic for the fragile airlines business distressed with thin margins, liquidity crisis, over mounting fixed cost and debt. Zero revenue, albeit spiraling fixed expenses has been a drain on the cash reserves of ...

Ref: Sustainability of airlines in India with Covid-19: Challenges ahead and possible way-outs [J Revenue Pricing Manag, 2020-09-10]

Passengers will not understand different kinds of measures and requirements at different parts of the world if not properly coordinated and communicated.

... COVID-19 crisis with the September 11th 2001 security crisis, some lessons can be learnt: - Passengers will not understand different kinds of measures and requirements at different parts of the world if not properly coordinated and communicated. A holistic and accepted worldwide approach for the whole aviation industry is absolutely needed. -The ...

Ref: An airport operations proposal for a pandemic-free air travel [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-10-08]

These include checkin, baggage handling, on-site retail, cargo and catering facilities.

... activity, jobs creation that directly serve passengers at airlines, airports and air navigation services providers. These include checkin, baggage handling, on-site retail, cargo and catering facilities. But also include, jobs related to the manufacturing sector (those companies that produce aircraft, engines ...

Ref: Estimating and Projecting Air Passenger Traffic during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak and its Socio-Economic Impact [Saf Sci, 2020-05-06]

Disinfection steps should be introduced, and cleaning rates increased.

... baggage claim area is susceptible to high passenger footfall and physical contact with luggage carts, baggage, washrooms, and other equipment. Disinfection steps should be introduced, and cleaning rates increased. Based on that certain consideration should be taken as follow: ...

Ref: Air carrier's liability for the safety of passengers during COVID-19 pandemic [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-08-19]

suffer 39% of the total passenger delay.

... journey was interrupted by a capacity reduction, are only 3% of the total passengers, but suffer 39% of the total passenger delay. Wang et al. in [7, 8] showed that high passenger trip delays are disproportionately generated ...

Ref: Putting the Air Transportation System to sleep: a passenger perspective measured by passenger-generated data [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-04-29]

Three scenarios of air travel restriction are considered, and the change in the risk of importation and exportation of COVID-19 is calculated.

... every airport in local municipalities around the world, based on global spatial and mapping information. Three scenarios of air travel restriction are considered, and the change in the risk of importation and exportation of COVID-19 is calculated. The relative risk of importation and exportation of COVID-19 clearly shows that not only China, ...

Ref: Airport risk of importation and exportation of the COVID-19 pandemic [Transp Policy (Oxf), 2020-07-01]

the distance that large respiratory droplets travel is up to 2 m (equivalent to 6.6 feet) when coughing.

... which it is specified that the current scientific studies and articles confirm that in general, the distance that large respiratory droplets travel is up to 2 m (equivalent to 6.6 feet) when coughing. Therefore, we employed this distance (i.e., 6.6 feet) to construct the second category of passengers ...

Ref: Social distancing in airplane seat assignments [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-09-11]

the lack of a proper airport entrance control resulted in the infection spreading in a manner directly proportional to the amount of flights reaching each city,

... the first national occurrence of the disease. After the confirmation of the first imported cases, the lack of a proper airport entrance control resulted in the infection spreading in a manner directly proportional to the amount of flights reaching each city, following the first occurrence of the virus coming from abroad. Methodology: We developed a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered ...

Ref: Severe airport sanitarian control could slow down the spreading of COVID-19 pandemics in Brazil [PeerJ, 2020]

The criteria for selecting these 141 airports was a balance between air passenger traffic, geographical coverage and data availability.

... end, we collected aircraft departures (i.e. take-offs) from January to March 2020 for 141 airports. The criteria for selecting these 141 airports was a balance between air passenger traffic, geographical coverage and data availability. OpenSky Network was selected since it provides open access to historical flight data. However, the ...

Ref: Estimating and Projecting Air Passenger Traffic during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak and its Socio-Economic Impact [PeerJ, 2020-04-17]

The question is whether relinquishing 1/3 of seating capacity is too high a price to pay for the added precaution.

... The calculations here, however rudimentary, do suggest a measurable reduction in Covid-19 risk when middle seats on aircraft are deliberately kept open. The question is whether relinquishing 1/3 of seating capacity is too high a price to pay for the added precaution. ...

Ref: Covid-19 Risk Among Airline Passengers: Should the Middle Seat Stay Empty? [PeerJ, 2020-07-05]

preventing potential virial infections in their premises (inflight services).

... but also require to build-in additional safety in protecting the health of their passengers by preventing potential virial infections in their premises (inflight services). Thus, "healthiness" of setting has emerged a key source of competitive edge for airline businesses. ...

Ref: Stepping Up and Stepping Out of COVID-19: New Challenges for Environmental Sustainability Policies in the Global Airline Industry [J Clean Prod, 2020-06-25]

The proposed metrics indicate that each airline has reacted differently to the COVID-19 travel restriction measures from a passenger perspective,

... the travel restriction measures impacted the relation between passengers and airlines in close to real-time. The proposed metrics indicate that each airline has reacted differently to the COVID-19 travel restriction measures from a passenger perspective, therefore they can be used by airlines and passengers to improve their decision making process. ...

Ref: Impact of Covid-19 on passengers and airlines from passenger measurements: Managing customer satisfaction while putting the US Air Transportation System to sleep [Transp. Res. Interdiscip. Perspect., 2020]

Reasonable risk calculations and case evaluations per passenger volume are crucial aspects which must be considered when reducing international flights.

... Africa. If adequate measures are taken, including on-site disease detection and temporary passenger quarantine, limited but not terminated air traffic can be a feasible option to prevent a long-term crisis. Reasonable risk calculations and case evaluations per passenger volume are crucial aspects which must be considered when reducing international flights. ...

Ref: The association between international and domestic air traffic and the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak [J Microbiol Immunol Infect, 2020-03-28]

enhancing sanitation of floors, carpets, high-contact areas … also, providing hand sanitizers and wipes for facility users.

... 2020; U.S. Department of Transportation, 2020), to prevent the spread of COVID-19: -Cleaning and sanitizing: enhancing sanitation of floors, carpets, high-contact areas … also, providing hand sanitizers and wipes for facility users. -Information: communicating in advance the right information via their website andapplication, with posters, videos and ...

Ref: An airport operations proposal for a pandemic-free air travel [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-10-08]

A private vehicle that is disinfected meticulously between passengers is safer than crowded buses, trains, or subway systems.

... Particularly challenging is ship/cruise travel with its exceptional vulnerability to COVID-19 illustrated 6 , which will require much more specific planning. A private vehicle that is disinfected meticulously between passengers is safer than crowded buses, trains, or subway systems. The airport location, size, volume of traffic, and time ...

Ref: Re-starting Travel in the Era of COVID-19: Preparing Anew [J Travel Med, 2020-06-27]

on the air transportation system cumbersome and difficult to update.

... a sample size of 385 passengers. They are also expensive and time consuming to implement, making their use for measuring the effects of major perturbations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, on the air transportation system cumbersome and difficult to update. ...

Ref: Impact of Covid-19 on passengers and airlines from passenger measurements: Managing customer satisfaction while putting the US Air Transportation System to sleep [Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2020-09-30]

we show that India experienced the highest risk index of importing the passengers from middle eastern airports.

... more than 180,000 flights and 39.9 million corresponding passenger seats during 4th - 25th March, we show that India experienced the highest risk index of importing the passengers from middle eastern airports. Contrary to perception, travelers from China imposed lowest risk of importing the infected cases in ...

Ref: Impact of international travel dynamics on domestic spread of 2019-nCoV in India: origin-based risk assessment in importation of infected travelers [Global Health, 2020]

Efforts should focus on enhancing capacity to provide care for severely ill cases, including ensuring access to medical oxygen, ventilators and other vital equipment;

... public health services, international assistance to help prepare for and respond to COVID-19 is essential. Efforts should focus on enhancing capacity to provide care for severely ill cases, including ensuring access to medical oxygen, ventilators and other vital equipment; ensuring equipment is available; that protocols are in place to prevent and manage hospital-acquired infections; ...

Ref: Risk of COVID-19 importation to the Pacific islands through global air travel [Epidemiology and infection, 2020-03-23]

Existing protocols have relied on scientifically questionable evidence and might not lead to the optimal balance between public health safety and airlines' financial viability.

... Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected the aviation industry. Existing protocols have relied on scientifically questionable evidence and might not lead to the optimal balance between public health safety and airlines" financial viability. Objective: To explore the implementation feasibility of Thai Airways International protocol from the perspectives of passengers and aircrews. Design: ...

Ref: Commercial Airline Protocol during Covid-19 Pandemic: An Experience of Thai Airways International [Epidemiology and infection, 2020-06-17]

it has been operating some flights at 50 percent occupancy.

... that while Qatar Airways positioned itself as the airline to "get people home" during COVID-19, it has been operating some flights at 50 percent occupancy. This has led to calls for financial support from the CEO of Qatar Airways. Lastly, ...

Ref: To bargain or not to bargain: Airlines, legitimacy and nonmarket strategy in a COVID-19 world [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-08-06]

Other interventions, such as more rigorous and frequent cleaning of aircraft and customer touch points in airports and on board will almost certainly be required.

... short-term response and with finances already precarious this is not viable in the longer term. Other interventions, such as more rigorous and frequent cleaning of aircraft and customer touch points in airports and on board will almost certainly be required. Temperature checks, face masks, social distancing, one-way systems, screens, hand sanitising stations, and UV (ultra-violet) ...

Ref: European airline response to the COVID-19 pandemic – Contraction, consolidation and future considerations for airline business and management [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-10-03]

Strict travel ban restrictions further amplified the substantial reduction of air passenger demand and resulted in a large number of flight cancellations.

... overview of the major events during the pandemic outbreak from January 2020 to May 2020. Strict travel ban restrictions further amplified the substantial reduction of air passenger demand and resulted in a large number of flight cancellations. Although the total number of the COVID-19 infected cases is surging, a few countries seem ...

Ref: On the degree of synchronization between air transport connectivity and COVID-19 cases at worldwide level [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-07-16]

Enhanced cleaning standards, touchless journey and less physical interaction between passengers and airport employees are most likely staying for the long term as well.

... availability at airports were a trend already present that will continue and increase (ACI, 2020b). Enhanced cleaning standards, touchless journey and less physical interaction between passengers and airport employees are most likely staying for the long term as well. In principle, the remaining measures against COVID-19 are of interim nature, waiting for availability of ...

Ref: An airport operations proposal for a pandemic-free air travel [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-10-08]

airports have a passenger throughput of over 30 million per year

... Airsavvi, the China Economic Internet Statistical Database and the China Railway website The megacities whose airports have a passenger throughput of over 30 million per year (11 megacities: Wuhan, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Kunming, Xi"an, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Nanjing) are included ...

Ref: The airline transport regulation and development of public health crisis in megacities of China [Journal of Transport & Health, 2020]

Airlines were classified as mainline and low-cost following the OAG classification.

... using OAG schedules (2020) on annual supply of seats per airline at the airport level. Airlines were classified as mainline and low-cost following the OAG classification. Although OAG does not publish any criteria for that selection, over 90% of the aggregated ...

Ref: Reinterpreting the role of primary and secondary airports in low-cost carrier expansion in Europe [J Transp Geogr, 2020-08-25]

We calculated effective distance between every airport and the city of Wuhan, China.

... first case of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in each country or territory, from publicly available sources. We calculated effective distance between every airport and the city of Wuhan, China. We modelled the risk of SARS-CoV-2 importation by estimating survival probability, expressing median time of ...

Ref: Travel restrictions and SARS-CoV-2 transmission: an effective distance approach to estimate impact [Bull World Health Organ, 2020-08-01]

however, this reduction is very limited with a close-to-zero median relative change in risk.

... 10 hub airports would be equally effective in reducing the risk of importation of SARS-CoV-2; however, this reduction is very limited with a close-to-zero median relative change in risk. Conclusion: The hypothetical variations in observed travel restrictions were not sufficient to prevent the global ...

Ref: Travel restrictions and SARS-CoV-2 transmission: an effective distance approach to estimate impact [Bull World Health Organ, 2020]

The main restriction of the OAG dataset is that it excludes charter flights.

... seat capacity. Given its comprehensiveness, this source has been used widely in air transport research. The main restriction of the OAG dataset is that it excludes charter flights. However, these are currently insignificant in South Africa (0.4% of 2018/19 passengers in airports managed ...

Ref: Between external forces and internal factors: The geography of domestic airline services in South Africa [J Transp Geogr, 2020-07-15]

The day of the first 100 reported cases and the first day with only less than 20% domestic flights connection remaining are compared and contrasted.

... reactions of airlines on the domestic flights during the COVID-19 spread in Figure 9 . The day of the first 100 reported cases and the first day with only less than 20% domestic flights connection remaining are compared and contrasted. While the general flight reduction decision is consistent with the case of the international flights ...

Ref: On the degree of synchronization between air transport connectivity and COVID-19 cases at worldwide level [J Transp Geogr, 2020-07-16]

Airlines have the difficult task of making tradeoffs between economic productivity and the resulting impact on various health risks.

... zone method provides the shortest time to the completing boarding of the airplane and-along with theWilMA boarding method-provides the lowest health risk stemming from potential infection resulting from seat interferences. Airlines have the difficult task of making tradeoffs between economic productivity and the resulting impact on various health risks. ...

Ref: Evaluating classical airplane boarding methods considering COVID-19 flying restrictions [Symmetry, 2020]

During the period, 388 287 passengers were destined for 1297 airports in 168 countries or territories across the world.

... four quantiles (4th quantile being the highest risk and 1st quantile being the lowest risk). During the period, 388 287 passengers were destined for 1297 airports in 168 countries or territories across the world. The risk index of 2019-nCoV among the countries had a very high correlation with the ...

Ref: cord_uid 0mytklmf Passengers' destinations from China: low risk ... 0mytklmf Passengers' destinations from China: low risk ... Name: title, dtype: object [Symmetry, cord_uid 0mytklmf 2020 0mytklmf 2020 Name: publish_time, dtype: object]

As seen in Table 3 , more than half of all respondents were either very concerned or extremely concerned with contracting the virus onboard the aircraft.

... by the perception of risk of contracting COVID-19 during the various stages of their journey. As seen in Table 3 , more than half of all respondents were either very concerned or extremely concerned with contracting the virus onboard the aircraft. This was followed by the perceived risk in the arrival terminal (combined 36%) and in ...

Ref: Attitudes of ageing passengers to air travel since the coronavirus pandemic [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-07-03]

We further found that countries which have a higher number of airports are associated with higher number of COVID-19 cases.

... of airline passenger traffic carried in a country and higher numbers of patients with COVID-19. We further found that countries which have a higher number of airports are associated with higher number of COVID-19 cases. Schengen countries, countries which have higher population density, and higher percentage of elderly population are ...

Ref: cord_uid r28fqmbx Human mobility and coronavirus disease 2019 (C... r28fqmbx Human mobility and coronavirus disease 2019 (C... Name: title, dtype: object [J Air Transp Manag, cord_uid r28fqmbx 2020 r28fqmbx 2020 Name: publish_time, dtype: object]

Aviation was particularly hit, with a 50% decrease in the total number of flights globally during April and May 2020.

... major disruptions in economic activity that will probably be followed by a long recovery period. Aviation was particularly hit, with a 50% decrease in the total number of flights globally during April and May 2020. Several countries saw their air transport activity decrease by over 90% for 2 months or ...

Ref: Government support to airlines in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-09-14]

The risk of infectious disease transmission through air traffic is not just owed to the post-flight facilitation of population mobility among megacities,

... highly exposed migration process such as vehicle and transport stations (Denphedtnong et al., 2013) . The risk of infectious disease transmission through air traffic is not just owed to the post-flight facilitation of population mobility among megacities, but also to the inflight facilitation of virus transmission in the cabin of a single-aisle ...

Ref: The airline transport regulation and development of public health crisis in megacities of China [J Transp Health, 2020-10-01]

The global lockdown and travel restrictions have limited flying to critical air cargo transport for several months.

... been shut down" (ICAO, 2020a (ICAO, -2020b impacting travelers and economies as never seen before. The global lockdown and travel restrictions have limited flying to critical air cargo transport for several months. As of July 2020, there are still many countries that have full travel bans or ...

Ref: An airport operations proposal for a pandemic-free air travel [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-10-08]

The airline JetBlue recently announced its plans to become carbon-neutral on all domestic flights by investing in forest conservation, (15) .

... gas emissions (14) . Carbon offsets are gaining increasing acceptance even in the airline industry. The airline JetBlue recently announced its plans to become carbon-neutral on all domestic flights by investing in forest conservation, (15) . However, the scientific community has been slow to engage in such efforts. A 2017 review ...

Ref: COVID-19, Climate Change, and the American Thoracic Society. A Shared Responsibility [Ann Am Thorac Soc, 2020-09-22]

whether the aircraft is equipped with high efficiency particulate air filters, and other indicators such as load factors, flight time, and mission of the flights.

... after a comprehensive evaluation of the outbreak at the place of origin of the flights, whether the aircraft is equipped with high efficiency particulate air filters, and other indicators such as load factors, flight time, and mission of the flights. It is also important for passengers not to travel when they are ill and if ...

Ref: Airport risk of importation and exportation of the COVID-19 pandemic [Transp Policy (Oxf), 2020-07-01]

Enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures may need to be planned and deployed to help limit the virus's spread.

... other services also see a high volume of passengers in this area. The evaluation and deployment of various flow monitoring tools, physical installations, floor markings and adapted wayfinding is required. Enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures may need to be planned and deployed to help limit the virus"s spread. ...

Ref: Air carrier's liability for the safety of passengers during COVID-19 pandemic [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-08-19]

Predictably, it can go out of the recession more easily than air passenger transport in China and achieve development in the near future.

... its adaption to this critical period. Indeed, the pandemic has highlighted the significance of China"s air cargo sector, and China"s sustainable economic condition provides a solid foundation for its growth. Predictably, it can go out of the recession more easily than air passenger transport in China and achieve development in the near future. ...

Ref: A SWOT analysis of China's air cargo sector in the context of COVID-19 pandemic [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-08-04]

The perspectives for recovery of air travel are bleak,

... air travel has been dramatic, making it the worst aviation crisis ever (ICAO, 2020a) . The perspectives for recovery of air travel are bleak, with an estimated return to the 2019 traffic level to take 4 to 5 years ...

Ref: An airport operations proposal for a pandemic-free air travel [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-10-08]

This case series describes severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) transmission on a international commercial airline flight.

This case series describes severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) transmission on a international commercial airline flight.

Ref: Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission on an International Flight and Among a Tourist Group [JAMA Netw Open, 2020-08-18]

Flying drones near airports endangers the safety of passengers and flight crew onboard an aircraft.

... Flying drones near airports endangers the safety of passengers and flight crew onboard an aircraft. The probability that the drone is drawn into the turbine is small, but its battery poses a potential risk of fire inside the turbine as it may not shatter on ...

Ref: Estimating the costs for the airport operator and airlines of a drone-related shutdown: an application to Frankfurt international airport [J Transp Secur, 2020-07-08]

Passengers and attendants must be protected during flights.

Passengers and attendants must be protected during flights.

Ref: In-flight transmission cluster of COVID-19: a retrospective case series [Infect Dis (Lond), 2020]

The data of Chinese megacities whose airports have a passenger throughput of over 30 million a year are analyzed in this study.

... brief website version of air traffic data during the pandemic can be accessed via http://covid.airsavvi.com/). The data of Chinese megacities whose airports have a passenger throughput of over 30 million a year are analyzed in this study. As a result, the sample includes Wuhan, Beijing, Shanghai (both the Pudong and Hongqiao Airports ...

Ref: The airline transport regulation and development of public health crisis in megacities of China [J Transp Health, 2020-10-01]

Wuhan Tianhe International Airport contributes only a fraction of all air-travel volume from mainland China.

... from Wuhan were detected in their destination locations. 3 These predictions are limited given that 1) a substantial number of cases have been reported outside of Hubei province and 2) Wuhan Tianhe International Airport contributes only a fraction of all air-travel volume from mainland China. ...

Ref: Estimating the number of undetected COVID-19 cases exported internationally from all of China [medRxiv, 2020-03-30]

airlines have been forced to park their aircraft in unusual places, sometimes at airports they do not normally serve and in volumes never normally experienced.

... to two-thirds of the world"s total passenger fleet grounded for an indeterminate period of time, airlines have been forced to park their aircraft in unusual places, sometimes at airports they do not normally serve and in volumes never normally experienced. The aim of this paper is to investigate the extent of grounded aircraft at UK ...

Ref: Grounded aircraft: An airfield operations perspective of the challenges of resuming flights post COVID [J. Air Transp. Manage., 2020]

passengers are generally reduced to smooth flows of a passive mass,

... well as visitors, are largely omitted from study Given the complexity of the system, operationally, passengers are generally reduced to smooth flows of a passive mass, which this study argues is both a missed opportunity and a vulnerability exacerbated by the ...

Ref: Airport user experience unpacked: Conceptualizing its potential in the face of COVID-19 [Journal of Air Transport Management, 2020]

Urgent demands of assessing respiratory disease transmission in airliner cabins had awakened from the COVID-19 pandemics.

... Urgent demands of assessing respiratory disease transmission in airliner cabins had awakened from the COVID-19 pandemics. This study numerically investigated the cough flow and its time-dependent jet-effects on the transport characteristics of respiratory-induced contaminants in passengers" local environments. Transient simulations were conducted in a three-row Boeing ...

Ref: Evaluation of cough-jet effects on the transport characteristics of respiratory-induced contaminants in airline passengers' local environments [Build Environ, 2020]

Especially, for the low-risk routes, the air travel ban can be lifted to resume the normal operation as soon as possible.

... to different risk levels. This provides a theoretical and quantitative basis for timely flight plan adjustment. Especially, for the low-risk routes, the air travel ban can be lifted to resume the normal operation as soon as possible. This is important to mitigate the negative economic and social impact of the COVID-19 ...

Ref: Measuring imported case risk of COVID-19 from inbound international flights ––– A case study on China [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-08-28]

We did not possess actual passenger data or load factors for flights.

... Our study comes with a few limitations, which are summarized below. We did not possess actual passenger data or load factors for flights. Accordingly, some of these flights might just been empty or readjusted as cargo flights. Moreover, the network-centric analysis in ...

Ref: How did COVID-19 impact air transportation? A first peek through the lens of complex networks [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-09-12]

Researchers should contemplate on new techniques and methods at airports for the maximum safety of passengers and staff against pandemical diseases.

... airports are more likely to be rearranged so as to minimize the risk of contagion. Researchers should contemplate on new techniques and methods at airports for the maximum safety of passengers and staff against pandemical diseases. There are also issues that urgently need to be further studied, such as the link ...

Ref: Human Mobility and COVID-19: A Negative Binomial Regression Analysis [Public Health, 2020-07-10]

the scope of the safety measures as required by ICAO to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and therefore protect the passengers' safety.

... COVID-19, taking into consideration the exoneration of air carrier"s liability in COVID-19 cases. In addition, the scope of the safety measures as required by ICAO to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and therefore protect the passengers" safety. In our opinion, we found that the estimate is left to the judge because the ...

Ref: cord_uid pf8gf744 Air carrier's liability for the safety of pass... pf8gf744 Air carrier's liability for the safety of pass... Name: title, dtype: object [Public Health, cord_uid pf8gf744 2020 pf8gf744 2020 Name: publish_time, dtype: object]

After 1949, SAA was protected from competition in the domestic market through the so-called International Air Services Act.

... first scheduled passenger flights took place in 1948 after entering the charter business in 1946. After 1949, SAA was protected from competition in the domestic market through the so-called International Air Services Act. Other domestic airlines were de facto restricted to thin routes not operated by SAA (Luke ...

Ref: Between external forces and internal factors: The geography of domestic airline services in South Africa [J Transp Geogr, 2020-07-15]

Standard measures put in place are travel bans, working from home, closure of schools, and, overall, limiting social contacts as much as possible.

... current coronavirus induced disease-19 (Covid-19) crisis. Nowadays, most countries affected by Covid-19 are in lockdown. Standard measures put in place are travel bans, working from home, closure of schools, and, overall, limiting social contacts as much as possible. It is necessary to contrast the immediate consequences of Covid-19 pandemics such as a shortage ...

Ref: A safe flight for children through COVID-19 disaster: keeping our mind open! [Eur J Pediatr, 2020-05-02]

No reuse allowed without permission.

... 37 curve was observed in each country. By enlarging the comparison to another 38 developing tropical country in the Southern Hemisphere (thus in the same season), we All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. ...

Ref: Severe airport sanitarian control could slow down the spreading of COVID-19 pandemics in Brazil [Eur J Pediatr, 2020-03-27]

Cleaning and sanitation inside the bus are carried out daily using sodium hypochlorite 0.1% and ethanol 70%.

... the bus shift, to have a reference, and immediately after the end of the shift. Cleaning and sanitation inside the bus are carried out daily using sodium hypochlorite 0.1% and ethanol 70%. Once a week the bus is further sanitised with an electric aerosol applicator that delivers ...

Ref: Air and surface measurements of SARS-CoV-2 inside a bus during normal operation [bioRxiv, 2020-06-26]

Such effects are currently being observed in several regions worldwide.

... of air passenger traffic to and from China in February (Iacus et al., 2020) . Such effects are currently being observed in several regions worldwide. This has clear implications for the aviation industry as well as indirect consequences to several ...

Ref: Estimating and Projecting Air Passenger Traffic during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak and its Socio-Economic Impact [Saf Sci, 2020-05-06]

Combination airlines lost most of their belly cargo capacity and are experiencing a slow recovery process.

... industry suffered a blow that, although indisputable (Accenture website, 2020), is more difficult to quantify. Combination airlines lost most of their belly cargo capacity and are experiencing a slow recovery process. Full-cargo airlines and integrators should have been affected to a much lesser extent, if not ...

Ref: Integrators' global networks: A topology analysis with insights into the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic [J Transp Geogr, 2020-08-11]

Real-world effectiveness of masks on aircraft is still uncertain, along with how well SARS-CoV-2 can spread on aircraft.

... Australia is highly variable by States/Territories, and this is also likely to vary over time. Real-world effectiveness of masks on aircraft is still uncertain, along with how well SARS-CoV-2 can spread on aircraft. For example, there is some evidence that this pandemic virus is particularly involved in super-spreading ...

Ref: Estimating the Impact of Control Measures to Prevent Outbreaks of COVID-19 Associated with Air Travel into a COVID-19-free country: A Simulation Modelling Study [J Transp Geogr, 2020-06-12]

use of self-service technology, the generation of commercial/ancillary revenues and the design of surface access policies.

... getting to/from the airport is perceived as the safest stage. The findings suggest that there are various COVID-19 implications for airlines and airports serving this market segment, ranging from the use of self-service technology, the generation of commercial/ancillary revenues and the design of surface access policies. ...

Ref: Attitudes of ageing passengers to air travel since the coronavirus pandemic [J. Air Transp. Manage., 2020]

The duration of travel was considered as the flight time plus a small amount of additional travel time (ca 1 hour) for airport procedures.

... board a flight who would pose a risk for seeding transmission in a new region. The duration of travel was considered as the flight time plus a small amount of additional travel time (ca 1 hour) for airport procedures. We assumed that infected individuals will develop symptoms, including fever, at the end of their ...

Ref: Effectiveness of airport screening at detecting travellers infected with novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) [Euro Surveill, 2020-02-06]

infected more than a million people in the world, initiating an unprecedented global crisis.

... to 27 countries (2494 cases), 12 COVID-19 has spread to more than 200 countries and infected more than a million people in the world, initiating an unprecedented global crisis. Wuhan, the epicenter of the pandemic, is central China"s major air and train transportation hub. ...

Ref: Human Mobility and COVID-19: A Negative Binomial Regression Analysis [Public Health, 2020-07-10]

3, 4, 24 Many countries have improved airport surveillance and implemented temperature screening at ports of entry,

... African countries have recently strengthened their preparedness against COVID-19 importations. 3, 4, 24 Many countries have improved airport surveillance and implemented temperature screening at ports of entry, 4 thanks to equipment that was readily available following the 2013-16 Ebola epidemic, including high-risk countries according to our analysis-South ...

Ref: Preparedness and vulnerability of African countries against importations of COVID-19: a modelling study [Lancet, 2020-02-20]

Provide a clear security separator for airline agents at lost luggage counters, where possible,

... space inside the baggage carousel, use retractable stanchions and floor markers as a temporary measure. Provide a clear security separator for airline agents at lost luggage counters, where possible, and encourage the use of baggage delivery services where luggage can be transported directly to ...

Ref: Air carrier's liability for the safety of passengers during COVID-19 pandemic [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-08-19]

Early detection and appropriate control measures can reduce the risk for transmission in all locations.

... undetected imported cases. Our model can be adjusted to account for exportation of cases from other locations as the virus spreads and more information on importations and transmission becomes available. Early detection and appropriate control measures can reduce the risk for transmission in all locations. ...

Ref: cord_uid cdif1lp8 Identifying Locations with Possible Undetected... cdif1lp8 Identifying Locations with Possible Undetected... Name: title, dtype: object [J Air Transp Manag, cord_uid cdif1lp8 2020 cdif1lp8 2020 Name: publish_time, dtype: object]

most of the regulations are on chemical contaminants in the flight cabin

... close to each other, so people get worried about getting infection from fellow travellers Unfortunately, most of the regulations are on chemical contaminants in the flight cabin but are silent on bacteriological, viral and other microbial contamination of air in the cabin ...

Ref: Air travel in COVID-19 pandemic [Journal of Patient Safety and Infection Control, 2020]

consisting in about 98.7% of the volume of passengers in 2018 according to our SABRE data set.

... around the world, concerning 3,909 origin airports and 3,897 destination airports and involving 234 countries, consisting in about 98.7% of the volume of passengers in 2018 according to our SABRE data set. These forecast are then discounted, through different scenarios, for the flight ban occurring since last ...

Ref: Estimating and Projecting Air Passenger Traffic during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak and its Socio-Economic Impact [Journal of Patient Safety and Infection Control, 2020-04-17]

studies on sanitary risk management and the proper application of countermeasures should be carried out To measure the consequences over passenger flow,

... to the global spread of the COVID-19 virus Therefore, in order to address this challenge, studies on sanitary risk management and the proper application of countermeasures should be carried out To measure the consequences over passenger flow, simulation modelling has been set up at Casablanca Mohammed V International Airport Several scenarios using ...

Ref: Strategic design of precautionary measures for airport passengers in times of global health crisis Covid 19: Parametric modelling and processing algorithms [Journal of Air Transport Management, 2020]

Our study comes with a few limitations, which are summarized below. We did not possess actual passenger data or load factors for flights.

... Our study comes with a few limitations, which are summarized below. We did not possess actual passenger data or load factors for flights. Accordingly, some of these flights might just been empty or readjusted as cargo flights. Moreover, the network-centric analysis in this study neglects the number of flights, as it mostly focuses ...

Ref: How did COVID-19 impact air transportation? A first peek through the lens of complex networks [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-09-12]

Capacities for cleaning and disinfection of different types of surfaces are essential including trained staff, personal protective equipment and materials.

... could be arranged. Air travel restrictions during the pandemic pose additional challenge to travellers" repatriation. Capacities for cleaning and disinfection of different types of surfaces are essential including trained staff, personal protective equipment and materials. Logistical aspects for the next ship voyage should be considered. International Health Regulations (2005) requires ...

Ref: Health measures to travelers and cruise ships in response to COVID-19 [J Travel Med, 2020-03-23]

We used air travel volume between Italian cities and cities in other countries as an index of connectedness,

... a likely route of introduction, or was documented to have been the route of introduction. We used air travel volume between Italian cities and cities in other countries as an index of connectedness, using data available from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for February 2015 (2.61 million ...

Ref: Estimation of COVID-19 outbreak size in Italy based on international case exportations [J Travel Med, 2020-03-06]

airports have a passenger throughput of over 30 million a year.

... Wuhan has experienced the most stringent limitation on air traffic among all the megacities whose airports have a passenger throughput of over 30 million a year. Besides, the correlation between limitation on air traffic and confirmed cases of the eleven megacities ...

Ref: The airline transport regulation and development of public health crisis in megacities of China [J Transp Health, 2020-10-01]

Severely congested, the CGH and GRU airports began to operate under strict slot restrictions.

... after the entry of low-cost carriers (LCCs) Gol and Azul in 2001 and 2008, respectively. Severely congested, the CGH and GRU airports began to operate under strict slot restrictions. In 2012, GRU and VCP were eventually privatised through a concession scheme, securing, thus, a ...

Ref: The geographic concentrations of air traffic and economic development: A spatiotemporal analysis of their association and decoupling in Brazil [J Transp Geogr, 2020-07-13]

The sharing of air is thus reduced to very low levels beyond the same row and the two rows in front and in the back of a passenger.

... many office buildings. About 50% of the air is recirculated after passing through high efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA). Air circulation patterns are laminar from overhead to near the floor. The sharing of air is thus reduced to very low levels beyond the same row and the two rows in front and in the back of a passenger. ...

Ref: Travel and public health [J Infect Public Health, 2008-11-26]

Contrary to perception, travelers from China imposed lowest risk of importing the infected cases in India.

... that India experienced the highest risk index of importing the passengers from middle eastern airports. Contrary to perception, travelers from China imposed lowest risk of importing the infected cases in India. This is clearly evident form the fact that while the number of infected cases were ...

Ref: Impact of international travel dynamics on domestic spread of 2019-nCoV in India: origin-based risk assessment in importation of infected travelers [Global Health, 2020]

readily accessible to airlines/airports in their passenger database.

... no direct relationship to travel stress or at least not unanimously agreed upon, and 2) readily accessible to airlines/airports in their passenger database. The pertinent personal factors involve: travel frequency (Larsen, 2007; Lepp & Gibson, 2008) , employment ...

Ref: A Conservation of Resources schema for exploring the influential forces for air-travel stress [Tour Manag, 2020-10-16]

International airline travellers departing from China have unintentionally transported SARS-CoV-2 all over the world.

... International airline travellers departing from China have unintentionally transported SARS-CoV-2 all over the world. As of 30 January 2020, the Emergency Committee convened by the World Health Organization (WHO), acting according to International Health Regulations, described the unfolding outbreak as a Public Health Emergency ...

Ref: Travel restrictions and SARS-CoV-2 transmission: an effective distance approach to estimate impact [Bull World Health Organ, 2020-08-01]

The high capital costs of airlines and airports make the survival of several actors questionable in the short term,

... The high capital costs of airlines and airports make the survival of several actors questionable in the short term, as for instance, the typical airline has cash to cover only around two months of revenue loss (IATA, 2020a) . The medium-term perspective of aviation is also bleak, since air ...

Ref: Government support to airlines in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-09-14]

The weight of combined evidence supports airborne precautions for the occupational health and safety of health workers treating patients with COVID-19.

... infections cannot neatly be separated into the dichotomy of droplet versus airborne transmission routes. Available studies also show that SARS-CoV-2 can be detected in the air, 3 hours after aeroslisation. The weight of combined evidence supports airborne precautions for the occupational health and safety of health workers treating patients with COVID-19. ...

Ref: Airborne or droplet precautions for health workers treating COVID-19? [J. infect. dis, 2020]

the pandemic has put several aviation-related climate and environmental deals and agreements at risk.

... reduced emissions and environmental impacts caused by air travel restriction policies during the COVID-19 period, the pandemic has put several aviation-related climate and environmental deals and agreements at risk. The carbon price in the European Union Emission Trading Scheme that includes aviation has dropped ...

Ref: Government support to airlines in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-09-14]

as case numbers decrease, air travel will gradually resume.

... imposed on passenger air travel to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 between regions and countries. However, as case numbers decrease, air travel will gradually resume. We considered a future scenario in which case numbers are low and air travel returns ...

Ref: cord_uid shb994z9 Estimating COVID-19 outbreak risk through air ... shb994z9 Estimating COVID-19 outbreak risk through air ... Name: title, dtype: object [J Air Transp Manag, cord_uid shb994z9 2020 shb994z9 2020 Name: publish_time, dtype: object]

Ornge performs over 20,000 patient-related transports annually.

... basis. Ornge also contracts with private air carriers to provide lower acuity air ambulance services. Ornge performs over 20,000 patient-related transports annually. We discuss Ornge"s approach to preparing for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, and identify ...

Ref: Critical care transport in the time of COVID-19 [CJEM, 2020]

In order to ensure that a part of the terminal building remains an infectious disease-free zone, a filtering process is required for any person entering.

... perspectives. For other items like food supplies and catering, standards exist and are already applied. In order to ensure that a part of the terminal building remains an infectious disease-free zone, a filtering process is required for any person entering. This health screening should not be considered as a medical check, but needs nevertheless to ...

Ref: An airport operations proposal for a pandemic-free air travel [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-10-08]

We obtained transport capability of international airlines from 30 major airports in Iran from 1 February to 24 February 2020

... We obtained transport capability of international airlines from 30 major airports in Iran from 1 February to 24 February 2020 (WorldData, 2020), from the Variflight platform (https://data.variflight.com/). We collected the number of exported cases from Iran to other countries in the Middle East (World Health Organization, 2020). ...

Ref: Preliminary estimation of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in Iran: a modelling analysis based on overseas cases and air travel data [J Air Transp Manag, 2020-03-06]