======================================= === Web People Search Task - 2007 === === Public data release 1.0 === === http://nlp.uned.es/weps === ======================================= Folder structure: training \-- web_pages //raw web pages downloaded for each name \-- description_files //xml files with the list of documents for each name. \-- truth_files //human clustering of the documents in each name set. test \-- web_pages //raw web pages downloaded for each name \-- description_files //xml files with the list of documents for each name. \-- truth_files //human clustering of the documents in each name set. \-- annotation_1 //data produced by the annotation team 1 \-- annotation_2 //data produced by the team 2 \-- official_annotation //combination of files from team 1 and 2 used for the participants evaluation scorer //Documentation, source and jar files of the evaluation package weps_task_description.pdf //Task description paper 0.- Introduction. The Web People Search Task took place as part of the 4th Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (Semeval 2007). In the following sections we describe briefly the task, the training and test data and the scoring program provided. For more information about the task: http://nlp.uned.es/weps Task and system description papers: http://nlp.uned.es/weps/task-papers.html WePS mailing list: http://groups.google.es/group/web-people-search-task---semeval-2007/ 1.- WePS 2007 task definition. This task focuses on the disambiguation of person names in a Web searching scenario. Finding people, information about people, in the World Wide Web is one of the most common activities of Internet users. Person names, however, are highly ambiguous. In most cases, therefore, the results for this type of search are a mixture of pages about different people that share the same name. The participant's systems will receive as input, web pages retrieved from a web search engine using a given person name as a query. The aim of the task is to determine how many referents (different people) exist for that person name, and assign to each referent its corresponding documents. The challenge is to correctly estimate the number of referents and group documents referring to the same individual. 2.- Training data. The training data is composed of sets of up to 100 web pages corresponding to the results from a web search engine (Yahoo, via its search API) for a person name query. The names were sampled from a list of biographies in the Wikipedia and from the list of participants in the European Conference in Digital Libraries. Additionally we have included the Web03 corpus, which is composed of names sampled from the US Census (for more details, Gideon S. Mann, "Multidocument Statistical Fact Extraction and Fusion", 2006, Johns Hopkins University). With this data we expect to cover at least two frequently occurring ambiguity scenarios: very common names that have a high ambiguity on the web, and names of famous or historical people, which might monopolize most of the documents in the web search results. With the ECDL names we also provide a subset of the corpus in which there is at least one namesake from a specific domain (in this case, researchers in digital libraries). Each name set has a "person_name.xml" file with information about ranking, URL, title and snippet for each retrieved web page. All the pages have been downloaded and stored in directories named according to their ranking in the search results. - Wikipedia person names - "John Kennedy" - "George Clinton" - "Paul Collins" - "Michael Howard" - "Tony Abbott" - "David Lodge" - "Alexander Macomb" - ECDL person names - "Allan Hanbury" - "Edward Fox" - "Andrew Powell" - "Donna Harman" - "Gregory Crane" - "Jane Hunter" - "Paul Clough" - "Anita Coleman" - "Thomas Baker" - "Christine Borgman" - Gideon Mann's corpus (US Census names) - "Abby Watkins" - "Armando Valencia" - "Cynthia Voigt" - "Gregory Brennan" - "Helen Cawthorne" - "Maile Doyle" - "Pam Tetu" - "Sidney Shorter" - "Young Dawkins" - "Alexander Markham" - "Cathie Ely" - "Dan Rhone" - "Guy Crider" - "Ione Westover" - "Martin Nagel" - "Patrick Karlsson" - "Stacey Doughty" - "Alfred Schroeder" - "Celeste Paquette" - "Elmo Hardy" - "Guy Dunbar" - "Louis Sidoti" - "Mary Lemanski" - "Tim Whisler" - "Alice Gilbreath" - "Charlotte Bergeron" - "Gillian Symons" - "Hannah Bassham" - "Luke Choi" - "Miranda Bollinger" - "Roy Tamashiro" - "Todd Platts" 3.- Test data The test data for the task is composed, as in the training data, of sets of up to 100 webpages corresponding with the results in a web search engine (Yahoo, via its search API) for a person name query. Each set has a separate XML file with information about ranking, URL, title and snippet for each retrieved webpage. All the pages have been downloaded and stored in directories named according to their ranking in the search results. The names where randomly extracted from the Wikipedia, ACL 2006 Conference and US Census data. We provide a double annotation of the test data by different annotation teams (five human annotators in total). Each name set was annotated by one person. During the official evaluation period we only had access to one annotation of the whole test data. This annotation was composed of the combination of name set annotations from both teams. The corresponding truth files have been provided in a separate folder for ease of use. - Wikipedia person names - "Arthur Morgan" - "James Morehead" - "James Davidson" - "Patrick Killen" - "William Dickson" - "George Foster" - "James Hamilton" - "John Nelson" - "Thomas Fraser" - "Thomas Kirk" - ACL06 person names - "Chris Brockett" - "Dekang Lin" - "James Curran" - "Mark Johnson" - "Jerry Hobbs" - "Frank Keller" - "Leon Barrett" - "Robert Moore" - "Sharon Goldwater" - "Stephan Johnson" - US Census names - "Alvin Cooper" - "Harry Hughes" - "Jonathan Brooks" - "Jude Brown" - "Karen Peterson" - "Marcy Jackson" - "Martha Edwards" - "Neil Clark" - "Stephen Clark" - "Violet Howard" 4.- Gold standard The gold standard for each person-name document set is named "person_name.clust.xml". It contains a root element "" followed by one "entity" element for each entity. The entity element has an identifier attribute ("id") with an integer value. Nested in the "entity" element there are "doc" elements (pages that refer to this particular entity), each of which has a "rank" attribute that corresponds to the ranking information provided in the xml file described above. Note that a document might have been clustered in more than one entity. This is the case when multiple person names referring to different entities appear in a single document. Also, note that a person name may have a namesake that is not a person (for instance an organization or a location). In those cases the non-person entity will have its own cluster. Finally, when the annotator could not cluster a page it was included under a "discarded" element. The reasons for this might be the non-occurrence of the person name in the page (probably because Yahoo index had outdated information when the corpus was built) or simply that the human annotator could not decide whether to cluster that page. Discarded pages are not taken into account for the evaluation. Here is an example of what the gold standard files looks like:   ... Note that empty lines are permitted anywhere in the file. Space and tab does not have special meaning anything in the file. Some files that appear in the list of downloaded documents migth contain no text, probably because it was not possible to download them. Those pages where not clustered by the human annotators and should not appear in the "clust.xml" files. 7.- WePS 2007 Scoring Package 1.1. - version 1.1 solves an bug in the results output that was giving same value for PURITY_F05 and BCUBED_05 We include the jar file with the source code and a basic documentation. Any suggestions, improvements or new measures are very welcomed (write to Javier Artiles javart@gmail.com). This program scores the performance of one or more systems according to several optional evaluation measures. USAGE: USAGE: java SystemScorer [keysDir] [systemsDir] [outputDir] [MEASURES] [BASELINES] [OPTIONS] [keysDir] Directory containing all the gold standard for the clustering problems. Files must be well formed XML, follow the WePS 2007 clustering format and filenames end in 'clust.xml'. [systemsDir] Directory containig all the systems solutions to evaluate using the following structure systemsDir/TEAM_A/problem1.clust.xml systemsDir/TEAM_A/problem2.clust.xml systemsDir/TEAM_A/... systemsDir/TEAM_B/problem1.clust.xml systemsDir/TEAM_B/problem2.clust.xml systemsDir/TEAM_B/... systemsDir/... [outputDir] Directory where all the results will be written MEASURES: -ALLMEASURES Evaluates all the available measures -P Purity -IP Inverse purity -FMeasure_0.5_P-IP F-measure for Purity and Inverse Purity (alpha=0.5) -BER BCubed Recall (extended for multiclass problems) -BEP BCubed Precision (extended for multiclass problems) -FMeasure_0.5_BER-BEP F-measure for BCubed Precision and Recall (alpha=0.5) -PR Pairs measure using Rand Statistic -PJ Pairs measure using Jaccard Coefficient -PF Pairs measure using Folkes and Mallows BASELINES: -AllInOne -OneInOne -Combined OPTIONS: -overwrite overwrites previous evaluation files (.eval) if necessary. -average prints the averaged scores for all the teams EXAMPLE (using the official annotation set as key and also as a team, evaluating baseline answers): $ /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- -cp distributions/1.1/wepsEvaluation.jar es.nlp.uned.weps.evaluation.SystemScorer weps07test/truth_official/ weps07test/test_system/ tmp -ALLMEASURES -AllInOne -OneInOne -Combined -average WePS 2007 Evaluation Package (http://nlp.uned.es/weps) Key clustering files path: weps07test/truth_official Answer clustering files path: weps07test/test_system Output evaluation files path: tmp Measures: [P, IP, FMeasure_0.5_P-IP, BEP, BER, FMeasure_0.5_BEP-BER, PM, PJ, PR, ] Baselines: [COMBINED_BASELINE, ONE_IN_ONE_BASELINE, ALL_IN_ONE_BASELINE] Overwrite: false Evaluating clustering answers (team truth_official) from weps07test/test_system/truth_official Saving team evaluation to: tmp/truth_official.eval Evaluating clustering answers (baseline COMBINED_BASELINE) Saving team evaluation to: tmp/COMBINED_BASELINE.eval Evaluating clustering answers (baseline ONE_IN_ONE_BASELINE) Saving team evaluation to: tmp/ONE_IN_ONE_BASELINE.eval Evaluating clustering answers (baseline ALL_IN_ONE_BASELINE) Saving team evaluation to: tmp/ALL_IN_ONE_BASELINE.eval topic BEP BER FMeasure_0.5_BEP-BER FMeasure_0.5_P-IP IP P PJ PM PR truth_official 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 ONE_IN_ONE_BASELINE 1,0 0,43 0,57 0,61 0,47 1,0 0,0 1,0 0,83 COMBINED_BASELINE 0,17 0,99 0,24 0,78 1,0 0,64 0,17 0,34 0,17 ALL_IN_ONE_BASELINE 0,18 0,98 0,25 0,4 1,0 0,29 0,17 0,34 0,17 6.- System output. Participants are expected to provide an output clustering for each person name set in the test set. The format of this output should be the same as the Gold Standard format described above. The data output for each person name set should be created in one separate file. The file name should be the person name (blanks replaced by "_") with the ".clust.xml" extension. ======================================= === Web People Search Task - 2007 === === === === http://nlp.uned.es/weps === =======================================