Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz
Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz
Recent Publications
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Laura Plaza
A Multi-Task and Multilingual Model for Sexism Identification in Social Networks
Authority and priority signals in automatic summary generation for online reputation management
Combining Transformer-Based Models with Traditional Machine Learning Approaches for Sexism Identification in Social Networks at EXIST 2021
Overview of EXIST 2021: sEXism Identification in Social neTworks
UNEDBiasTeam at IberLEF 2021's EXIST Task: Detecting Sexism Using Bias Techniques
Automatic Classification of Sexism in Social Networks: An Empirical Study on Twitter Data
Automatic generation of entity-oriented summaries for reputation management
MISMIS: Misinformation and Miscommunication in social media: aggregating information and analysing language
Beyond opinion classification: Extracting facts, opinions and experiences from health forums
Feature engineering for sentiment analysis in e-health forums
Tweet Stream Summarization for Online Reputation Management
Feature engineering for MEDLINE citation categorization with MeSH
An emotion-based model of negation, intensifiers, and modality for polarity and intensity classification
Evaluating the use of different positional strategies for sentence selection in biomedical literature summarization
SentiSense: An easily scalable concept-based affective lexicon for sentiment analysis
UCM at TREC 2012: Does Negation Influence The Retrieval of Medical Reports?
UCM-2: a Rule-Based Approach to Infer the Scope of Negation via Dependency Parsing
UCM-I: A Rule-based Syntactic Approach for Resolving the Scope of Negation
A Joint Model of Feature Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Product Review Rating
Sentiment Analysis in Business Intelligence: A survey
A Hybrid Approach to Emotional Sentence Polarity and Intensity Classification
Improving Emotional Intensity Classification using Word Sense Disambiguation