iCLEF 2005 (QA)
Submission format
Every site will submit an ascii file with an XML format containing, for every search, the following information:
- searcher (an ordinal, starting by 1), topic (1-16) and system (reference or contrastive).
- answer (or NIL if it is not found by the user)
- a manual translation of the answer into the document language (to permit native assessments). Contact the organizers in case of difficulties to provide such translations.
- zero, one or two documents supporting the answer (note the difference from the standard QA task; it is assumed that the user might find the answer combining information from more than one document, and it is also assumed that he/she might not be able to specify exactly which were the relevant sources of information).
- time used to find the answer (optional), in seconds (a maximum of 300, which corresponds to five minutes).
- confidence of the user in the answer provided (optional): low or high.
Check the iCLEF 2005 dtd which will be used to verify that your submission is correct, and this example submission.