SentiSense Affective Lexicon

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The SentiSense Affective Lexicon is a concept-based affective lexicon. It is intended to be used in sentiment analysis-related tasks, especially in polarity and intensity classification and emotion identification. SentiSense attaches emotional meanings to concepts from the WordNet lexical database, instead of terms, thus allowing addressing the word ambiguity problem using one of the many WordNet-based word sense disambiguation algorithms. SentiSense is available in English and Spanish.

The SentiSense Affective Lexicon consists of synsets from WordNet labeled with an emotional category. The main part of the lexicon consists of nouns and adjectives, followed by verbs and a small set of adverbs. SentiSense consists of two data files in XML:

  • The first file, SentiSense_Categories.xml, defines the emotional categories and the antonym relationship between them.
  • The second file, SentiSense_Synsets.xml, contains the WordNet synsets that make up the lexicon. In this file, each entry contains the WordNet synset identifier (SID), its part of speech (POS), its gloss or definition in WordNet and the emotional category assigned to it.

SentiSense has been developed semi-automatically using several semantic relations between synsets in WordNet. SentiSense is endowed with a set of tools that allow users to visualize the lexicon and some statistics about the distribution of synsets and emotions in SentiSense, as well as to easily expand the lexicon.

SentiSense in English using WordNet 2.1

The SentiSense Affective Lexicon in English for WordNet 2.1 consists of 5,496 words and 2,190 synsets. SentiSense Affective Lexicon is available for research purpose.

Please if you use the corpus cite:

(2012). SentiSense: An easily scalable concept-based affective lexicon for sentiment analysis. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-25, 2012.


The SentiSense Affective Lexicon 2.1 is available for reserch purpose in XML format:

Download SentiSense 2.1

SentiSense in English using WordNet 3.0

In order to update SentiSense to the WordNet 3.0 we have automatically updated the synsets to their WordNet 3.0 version using the WordNet mappings. In particular, for nouns and verbs we use the mappings provided by the WordNet team and for adjectives and adverbs, the UPC mappings. In this automatic process we have only found 15 labeled synsets without a direct mapping, which were removed in the new SentiSense version. SentiSense Affective Lexicon is available for research purpose.

Please if you use the corpus cite:

(2012). SentiSense: An easily scalable concept-based affective lexicon for sentiment analysis. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-25, 2012.


The SentiSense Affective Lexicon 3.0 is available for reserch purpose in XML format:

Download SentiSense 3.0

SentiSense in Spanish using WordNet 3.0

In order to update SentiSense to the WordNet 3.0 we have automatically updated the synsets to their WordNet 3.0 version using the WordNet mappings. In particular, for nouns and verbs we use the mappings provided by the WordNet team and for adjectives and adverbs, the UPC mappings. In this automatic process we have only found 15 labeled synsets without a direct mapping, which were removed in the new SentiSense version. SentiSense Affective Lexicon is available for research purpose.

Please if you use the corpus cite:

(2012). SentiSense: An easily scalable concept-based affective lexicon for sentiment analysis. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-25, 2012.


The SentiSense Affective Lexicon 3.0 is available for reserch purpose in XML format:

Download SentiSense 3.0

SentiSense Polar Words English and Spanish

In order to facilitate the use of polar words according to SentiSense using WordNet 3.0, we have automatically extracted all polar words labeled in the synsets both in English and Spanish. The files contain two columns, the first one indicating the word and the second one the polar orientation. Polar orientations have been assigned according to the positive or negative orientation of the emotions in SentiSense.

Please if you use the corpus cite:

(2012). SentiSense: An easily scalable concept-based affective lexicon for sentiment analysis. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-25, 2012.


The SentiSense Affective Lexicon Polar Words is available for reserch purpose:

Download Polar Words

Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz
Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz
Associate Professor and Researcher in Language Technologies

My research interests include Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Systems Evaluation.